ZAPPED! 5 Embarrassingly Belated "Thank You"s
I find myself very fortunate to have made wonderful long distance friends via DPF and sharing this hobby with other generous Disney lovers. During part of May and also early part of June I got some very toughtful zaps/gifts/extras ... some were stand alone surprises, and some came along with other trades.
I apologize to all these wonderful members for my tardiness. I wanted to post much earlier, but on June 2nd my daughter and I found ourselves in an unfortunate car crash that totaled our car, and left us very shaken - thankfully no one was seriously injured The hard part, i.e. hospital & dr visits and stinking insurance bills & settlements are almost behind us now. But, pins & pin friends took the back seat for a while, and my "Thank You" posts got delayed - eventually piled on top of each other. So, better late than never, this is a summary post.
1. At a time when everyone was hyping up the movie club Olaf, my dear friend Danny (Bombardon3) quietly e-mailed me to tell me that he would get me an Olaf pin for my daughter. Lo and behold, the cutest Olaf pin I have ever seen showed up in our mailbox.
It is my favorite Olaf pin among everything released so far, I just love the colors on this. Thank you so much Danny. Your kindness & generosity to us knows no boundaries. Next time I am in Cali, I will give you even more hugs
2. One of the sweetest ladies here on DPF, dear Sara (sorapandora) and I share our birthday in May - although I am much older by many years .. LOL .. Look what Sara put together for me:
Everything is so perfect and I will (of course) never ever spend that Disney Dollar. Sara, thank you so much for these handpicked treasures
3. Are you supposed to zap someone back when they zap you?? Well, that is what my wonderful friend Laura did. Laura, I love this pin (no, I did not have it) and your note brought tears to my eyes. Ditto on the friendship
I promise that I will fly to WI to celebrate your Nursing School graduation, if I am still standing .. LOL ... We can go to TJ and buy all the 2-buck-chuck you want
4. Marisa (beeatingu) is not around on DPF anymore, but I purchased 2 pins from her a while back. The package came with a kind note and an extra stow away.
Thank you so much Marisa & I hope that life after DPF is being kind to you
5. The wonderful Josh (jmw1976) offered help with the Fairies Spectromagic pins, but then he sent me a PM saying "Merryweather is on me". As if his generosity is not enough, his package also had an extra surprise for me.
I have never seen this brooch before and I LOVE IT!! Thank you so much for your generosity and kindness Josh. May you get all the Mali pins your heart desires!
If you read my long post this far, thank you for your patience. I am very thankful for and humbled by everyone's kindness. I wish everyone a SAFE summer