So Here is a story about Story ^.^
As she has been excitedly babbling in her collection thread and trading thread, Story is nearly completed with her Princess Page.
Instead of being sad that she wouldn't be able to get a beloved tales Enchanted, a few weeks back (after seeing her chances of obtaining one were slim) she decided to focus on getting her favorites of the princess carousel pins, as the four fit perfectly at the bottom of her page.
So then she got the four! :wat:
... and then she wanted the rest :|
Happily (for her at least) she was able to track down all 10 of the carousel pins as painlessly as possible :hsd:
And so then she placed them on her page :wat:
... Only
now there is an empty spot exactly where she had once imagined the beloved tales enchanted would be :suspect:
Instead, however, of dwelling on the impossible, she decided to try for a
possibly more possible Giselle pin. And that's where this Story comes to a close and this wanted thread really begins
I would love to try and purchase the following pin:
If you happen to need any of the Vinylmations (or other disney merch)
in this thread, or if you happen to need any of the pins listed in my traders, I would <3 to work out a trade or a trade/purchase.
I am also still looking for event pins, particularly starting with the Tangled one- so again, please let me know if we can trade or if I can possibly trade/purchase
Thanks so much for looking and I hope we can help each other out!