A question about Scrappers
Not too long ago I decided to finally take a look at my many books of HM's and take out incomplete sets i'll never finish, sets I really am not interested in, and any that are suspect scrappers. I traded for everyone of these from the park, I bought pin sets and pins from the parks when I first started trading and had a friend who would take us to the old Company D store and we would load up on the 2.00-3.00 sale pins to use for traders, I was clueless on scrapers and have found I used authentic pins and traded for scrappers, now not all of them are scrappers but I found many that are scrappers, I want to know what your thought is on what to do with them, is it acceptable to trade them back to the CM's from where they came from or just keep them and do who knows with them. But I just thinking would it be fair to retrade them to get the authentic ones I did not get? but that would put them out there to kids and traders who don't know any better, I don't know. any advice. I know what the outcome wil be in my mind but I am just curious at your thoughts.