A thought on Disney Auctions pins...
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- Washington DC
So as I've been working on updating my wants list, working on trades and all that fun stuff, something occurred to me. So, Disney Auctions pins have been out for many years now. Pinpics has been up for quite some time too. I'm sure at this point that there are a lot of individuals who collected pins and no longer collect them. People who wanted pins who don't want them anymore, etc. I was thinking that means that maybe the number of people wanting DA pins is actually much lower than what it says in PinPics. This also means potentially there are fewer people trading them than are actually trading them as well. But, I would think it would be great to see those numbers all updated to really get a sense for how desired a pin really is in helping make better trades. Just a thought...no real questions nor solutions. Maybe it is just one of those days of thinking philosophically about Disney pins