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A thought on Disney Auctions pins...

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A thought on Disney Auctions pins...


DPF Charter Member
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Washington DC
So as I've been working on updating my wants list, working on trades and all that fun stuff, something occurred to me. So, Disney Auctions pins have been out for many years now. Pinpics has been up for quite some time too. I'm sure at this point that there are a lot of individuals who collected pins and no longer collect them. People who wanted pins who don't want them anymore, etc. I was thinking that means that maybe the number of people wanting DA pins is actually much lower than what it says in PinPics. This also means potentially there are fewer people trading them than are actually trading them as well. But, I would think it would be great to see those numbers all updated to really get a sense for how desired a pin really is in helping make better trades. Just a thought...no real questions nor solutions. Maybe it is just one of those days of thinking philosophically about Disney pins
Pinpics does try to go through and deactivate dormant accounts*. But I only think they do it once a year, and I'm not sure the last time they did it was. I think they did it shortly before Dizpins shut down. Or maybe it was after. EDIT: I checked the old Dizpins site. It was done 10/21/10. When they do it, all accounts that have not been used for 6 months, I think are "removed" so you won't see them as people trading/people wanting. You might be able to ask over on Pin Talk when the last time they did it was, and if there any plans to do it again soon. But it has been fairly recently, and not there are a bunch of accounts that haven't been used since 2005 mucking up the numbers.

*If you have a dormant account, don't worry, it's not deleted. To make it active all you have to do is log in.
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Yes, they said that they typically do it annually.

But back in 2009/2010 some topics were discussed on Dizpins about how it was frustrating to see 5 people trading a pin but potentially none of them were active anymore. Or exactly as you said, of of the wants numbers were also skewed because of old accounts. That is when it came out that they hadn't done the "purge" in quite some time (I think it was actually a couple of years).

They then did it which I believe is the 10/21/10 date that hopemax found. After that, the numbers changed drastically. Some pins that had 200+ people wanting them plummited to less than 100 and some trading numbers went to 0. This did create some uncertainty in terms of value because now some pins that appeared to be in great demand were no longer that great. Over time, as more and more people logged into their accounts the numbers on some pins did creep back up. I can think of a few heavy hitters that got almost to the level they were at before, but a lot of pins didn't "recover" in terms of their wants/trades numbers.
good point muppetbla bla (too long for me to type lol) that could be why there are no replys, as for me i will continue to take it personal!!!!:anxious:
good point muppetbla bla (too long for me to type lol) that could be why there are no replys, as for me i will continue to take it personal!!!!:anxious:

Taking that personally will drive you away from pin trading. You can't take it personally if you want to enjoy this hobby. I don't respond if I'm not interested in trading. Plain and simple. It is nothing personal against anyone. Even people I have traded with in the past, I don't contact them unless I'm ready to work something out. I'm sorry, I know that annoys people, but I'm just not going to invest time in sending "no thank you" emails every morning. "No thank you" emails often lead to "what do you want?" and "what can I look for?" and "I'll trade multiples" emails and I don't want to get into it. If I thought anything could have been worked out, I would have said so. I don't like having to tell people that they don't have anything I want. It makes me feel bad because their feelings could get hurt. So, I avoid it altogether and invest my time in trades I think actually have a chance.
That is really good to know that it has been done in terms of deactivating accounts. I may be totally off on my thoughts then. Thanks for the info.
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