Advent pin calendar
Hey all!! Thanks for all the lovely comments and sorry I've not updated. This time of year is very busy for me.
I'm kind of sad that the advent pin calendar is over . It's been so much fun! But I hope it's given you guys a few ideas and please steal the idea for next year. I'd love to see what people get :3.
And lol yup the Mushroom is pretty neat. Anyway here are the last few pulls (my heart melted when I saw the Dumbo tsumtsum)
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I'm kind of sad that the advent pin calendar is over . It's been so much fun! But I hope it's given you guys a few ideas and please steal the idea for next year. I'd love to see what people get :3.
And lol yup the Mushroom is pretty neat. Anyway here are the last few pulls (my heart melted when I saw the Dumbo tsumtsum)
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