Animation Art Mystery Pins - What did you get?
Curiouser & Curiouser...
DPF Charter Member
So I was bummed that the release of the Reveal Conceal pins was postponed but I wasn't aware that the Animation Art Mystery Collection was being released!
I bought 2 boxes and luckily enough I got an Alice!
Here's what I got: (oops I don't know how to resize that)
These 3 are for trade:
Pin 89034: Animation Art Mystery Collection - Cheshire Cat CHASER Only
Pin 89047: Animation Art Mystery Collection - Zero Only
Pin 89050: Animation Art Mystery Collection - Oogie Boogie CHASER Only
I am looking for the following in this series and would like to trade for them. I am willing to trade away other pins and willing to trade for other pins on my wants list.
I am also curious as to what everyone else got! Please share what you got and what is for trade!