Anyone use baseball card pages to store...
I do for my OE/Rack pins. For the ones that don't have backers, I pin to the inside of the pouch. and for the ones that have backers that are to large... I bought a 3-ring-style zippered "pencil" bag and store them in there. Also when I don't have a backer card, what I found that works best for me are index cards. I cut them to fit and then I can make notes on the card.
I use the plastic card sleeve pages. I go to a local magic/comic/gaming store which sells a variety of the 8 1/2 x 11 pages with either 1, 2, 4, 9, or 12 pockets. The pages are only 20 cents each so I can easily buy what I need. I also pin through the plastic to prevent slipping and my pages are in a 3" zipper binder which I bought from Walmart. I make cards when I have to out of old scrapbook paper. Have fun organizing!
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Thicker, like a more plastic-y material?
I use the base ball pages to store my traders in there very good and easy to place pins in the pockets would highly recommend them i brought mine at Walmart for $2/3 $ make sure you get the extra strong ones otherwise the holes will ripe easy hope this helps
I use the ultra pro and I double up the pages-- so I put the pin in the front pocket and pin it thru 2 pages-- just makes it a little sturdier.
:bigthumb: Yep, the "case-it" binders are great! And easy to use! You can also get the plastic sleeves from ... (Major League Baseball) These are heavier plastic and come in a variety of pocket configurations ... besides the 9 pocket type I also really like the 3 pocket version! These work great for pins on bigger backer cards! Another tip ... when you put your pin pages in the binders, do it in a way that rotates the way the pages go into the binder ... by having the pin back sides of two pages together and then next two pages of the fronts of pins (in the pockets) together, you get more space in your binders AND your pin backs are always facing each other never rubbing against a pin face (even though it's in its plastic pocket)! Sort of hard to explain but hopefully you understand!In desperation I bought cheap plastic pages one day and they were a disaster. Many of the holes have ripped and they are very floppy when you turn the pages. When I get a chance to work on my trade binders I will replace with better pages. I also use the Case-It zippered binders which I try to buy when they are clearing out the back to school merchandise. They work great. I know some people use regular three ring binders, but I would be afraid of pins falling out.