ATTN: dsf Frankenweenie Pin Release traders, I have presents for all of you!
The most royal & loyal prince
Greetings from my Castle by the lagoon,
As we are all preparing to buy goodies tomorrow (pins), I thought i would bring some presents. As a launch to my foundation that fights invisibility of LGBT Youth in Schools and creating a safer learning environment for ALL students, I have received buttons from Lady Gaga's foundation "Born This Way" and Rainbow bracelets that say safer schools coalition. If you would like one please see me I am #40 in line just shout my name Prince Eric and I will give you a gift. They are FREE! My campaign work in schools is not just for LGBT youth but for ALL kids/teens that are being bullied. I am announcing the name of my campaign here for the first time, "Bullying is for losers." please drive safe and get some good rest pin traders and don't forget we were Born to love &Trade Pins!
Love Always,
Prince Eric