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ZAPPED! Blessed and Blown away AGAIN--??? who is this!

ZAPPED! Blessed and Blown away AGAIN--??? who is this!


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New Jersey
Again i dont know what to say! I got a few goodies in the mail and one package is return addy says

Pin Traders---richmond witha zip but the postage says carona ca. and this sounds so familiar but the pins inside are not from any trade! Both are on my wants and both are LEs. A 750 and 1250 HOLY MOLY!

In the SOUND OF MUSIC--the Captain and Maria sing a song (i sing it alot actually, yup im that gay)
"I must have done something goood..."

Well you wonderful folks keep bring tears to my eyes and make me just sit and gape. I can only hope that i also bring a smile, a joke, a kind word and some pins and grails to all of you. I truly enjoy my time on here and am making friends not only on line but in person! Check out these lovely gifts.
I am doing some digging and if the zapper is not Pin Traders---which i dont think it is the ID --please disclose yourself !!!

thanks aaron, and i love your signature and video--how do ya do that? Carissa i hope you are feeling better--we will chat soon...and selen, it better not be you, cause if you figured out a way to post from cali....:bowdown:
thanks everyone for peeking at my goodies, i just can NOT believe it!
and selen, it better not be you, cause if you figured out a way to post from cali....:bowdown:

Nope, it is not me ... no, really. But I am happy to see the zaps you are getting and now you are giving me ideas. Hubby goes to Sunnyvale to his mothership often ;)
thanks aaron, and i love your signature and video--how do ya do that?

My sig is done on photobucket. All sorts of neat thing to do with pics on there. And you can get little videos like mine on gifsoup.com.
Then just use the Forums link on there and upload it as a video on your edit signature page on here :bigthumb:
Laura I KNOW---but so far its been girls......but for pins i may go that way!:dunno:

LMAO--my hubby says its cool with him. We are sick. lol
Laura I KNOW---but so far its been girls......but for pins i may go that way!:dunno:

LMAO--my hubby says its cool with him. We are sick. lol

Thanks for the laugh Dawn!!:rofl::rofl::rofl: Is this part of the "craziest things you would do for pins" thread?
