Can you help me put these Alice in Wonderland pins in the right order?
I feel stupid, but I haven't watched Alice in Wonderland in years, and I am trying to put these pins in the right order according to the movie scenes- and I don't want to make a mistake
Pin 28878 Disney Auctions (P.I.N.S.) - Alice in Wonderland Painting the Roses
Pin 28879 Disney Auctions (P.I.N.S.) - Alice in Wonderland Tea Party
Pin 28977 Disney Auctions (P.I.N.S.) - Alice on the stand
Pin 29126 Disney Auctions (P.I.N.S.) - Alice with the Queen of Hearts
Pin 28630 Disney Auction (P.I.N.S.) - Alice in Wonderland (Tweedledee & Tweedledum)
Pin 28979 Disney Auctions (P.I.N.S.) - Alice and Caterpillar (Rectangle)
Pin 28878 Disney Auctions (P.I.N.S.) - Alice in Wonderland Painting the Roses
Pin 28879 Disney Auctions (P.I.N.S.) - Alice in Wonderland Tea Party
Pin 28977 Disney Auctions (P.I.N.S.) - Alice on the stand
Pin 29126 Disney Auctions (P.I.N.S.) - Alice with the Queen of Hearts
Pin 28630 Disney Auction (P.I.N.S.) - Alice in Wonderland (Tweedledee & Tweedledum)
Pin 28979 Disney Auctions (P.I.N.S.) - Alice and Caterpillar (Rectangle)