Winner will be announced at 9:15! Wunna see who it is??? Join chat!
Rounds #1
Erudolf: 41730
EyhahnDisney: 83934
kajtdd: 6003
Maharii: 81879, 81880
PsychoPixie: 64396, 64397
Racheltherabidrabit: 58786
scarsiandam: 14649, 51709
TheStitchItch: 54912
Twins10101: 88798
Zoelovespins: 88489, 85424
Leader at end of round #1: TheStitchItch
Rounds #2
EyhahnDisney: 75854
Kajtdd: 9342
KingPins: 77283, 82710, 82196, 86113
Maharii: 81879, 83859
PsychoPixie: 63396, 64397, 83362
Scarsiandam: 14649, 14648, 51709
Twins10101: + 83821
Leader at end of round #2: Kajtdd
Round #3
Applecore: 76484, 90805, 90889, 91057, 91060, 92061, 91068
eyhahndisney: 83934, 75854
KingPins: 89882, 83363
Erudold: Pinocchio PODM
mybabykelly 85165
racheltherabidrabbit: 58786
supertank: 78374, and a 50% off coupon for a chia pet
Twins10101: 78805, 83821, 88798, 88799
Leader at end of round #3: Erudolf
Round #4
Applecore: + 76484
combatdre: 80349, 77801, 80350,34158
DisneyVillain: 81848
eyhahndisney: 75854, 83934, 82529
kajtdd: 4736
PsychoPixie: 83826
snazzybowtie: 35209, 3663, 89457, 39080, 80580
Twins10101: + 34686
Leader at end of round #4: Erudolf
Round #5
Applecore: + 91087, 9089, 91091, 91092, 91093, 91096, 91097
combatdre: + 44160
dis22: 74260, 47358, 44933, 38494
erudolf: + 72539, 70168
eyhahndisney: 75854, 83934, 82529, 85905
nursek8: Tangled Bolo Lanyard, Pinocchio PODM, Back Massage
Twins10101: D23 Patch & Watch
WINNER: Erudolf!!!
Sorry for any typoes!
And congrats on the record breaking! Wowza!! Good luck to whoever wants to break it next! Now, it's waaay passed my bed time.