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Cork Board for Pin Displays!! Yes or No ?????

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Cork Board for Pin Displays!! Yes or No ?????


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South Carolina
I'm thinking about purchasing a cork board for my pins. I've never used one before. I really want to be able to look at my pins without having to pull pin books out. However, I do have concerns. Do the cork boards damage the needle on the back? Does the exposure to the air hurt them? I don't really open the blinds in my bedroom so I'm not worried about the light exposure. Just wonder if I could get input on the idea. Maybe pros and cons that I haven't thought of.
Actually, both are yes in my experience - over the years pin backs have gotten stuck in the cork and broken off. It's not terribly common but it happens. Also, air exposure damage depends on where you live. I found that leaving pins out on boards made them lose their shine and it couldn't be restored - not from dust but something in the air/humidity definitely affected the paint and the metal. I've also seen pins that have rusted over time and discolored. Although some of that was likely quality issues due to the manufacturing process and materials used.
I have 5 boards in a hallway and have never had any problems. They are "nicer" cork boards from Staples with a black frame. Of course, you must be careful removing pins so you don't break the post.
I think I prefer the idea of a cardboard or canvas backing to poke pins through, where I can keep the stoppers on them, and also have them be in a shadow box to protect them from the elements. I really don't want to display my pins without some form of protection on the front, but I also don't want to keep them in their original plastic either, so a shadow box sounds best for me - but I haven't found one I like yet. Most come with foam backings... I'm sure I could alter it, but, pleh...
Thanks guys for all the input. I really want to display them. I've collected vinylmations also and what I enjoyed about that was being able to walk by them and just pick them up and admire them or arrange them. Not drag them out of the case just to see them. I've looked at hobby lobby and they have some pretty framed ones. Expensive but nice. The cork seems to be pretty thin on theirs. Not like work where I can hardly push a pin through it. You know office max kind. Lol I guess as someone has mentioned above, I hate for my pins to loose their luster and shine. I know I can be very careful with the post on the back but loosing the shine I couldn't control. Thanks for all the ideas.
I've had my Pooh pins displayed in cork boards for the last 10 years or so. 99% of them are fine. Some of them with silver/gold metal borders or detailing seem like they've become dull or tarnished. I haven't figured out how to restore that yet. I'm downsizing and re-doing the displays now and most of the pins are coming out from the cork just fine. But I can tell many need an extra tug to get them out. Like they've become one with the cork. The double prong pins are a little more challenging to remove and require some more gentle pulling. But so far no prongs have been damaged or broken. I am still going to re-display them in cork. I'm just going upscale now. Maybe with pretty paper backgrounds, etc. LOL.
I have 5 boards in a hallway and have never had any problems. They are "nicer" cork boards from Staples with a black frame. Of course, you must be careful removing pins so you don't break the post.

I'd second this post. (and a lot of the comments.) I haven't done it yet, but from what I've seen from other collectors is that it is a nice way to securely display pins. That being said, if you buy a cheap cork board, a think cork board, or just a roll of cork-ing (idk if that is the term) that doesn't have a back/frame, don't expect it to do very well.

Also, some of them have neat patterns like this one form amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CF0QGPG/?tag=thebroketogra-20. With the cork boards, you can also have a bit of creativity in displaying your pins. Just be mindful about the quality/reviews.

As for the elemental wear, depending on what style of pin-book you have and where you store it, the level of damage to the pins might actually be equal, if not only slightly more when comparing the cork board to the books. With both you will have some sort of air exposure. But if you properly care for your pins on the cork board and keep them away from sunlight, I am sure that they'll do very well.

I hope everything turns out well!
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I get canvas boards from big lots and use those! I lost too many pins to cork board from the posts breaking, plus I like to rearrange and it made the cork not hold as well, while on canvas I can put the mickey backs on

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I'm in the midst of converting from cork to canvas. The cork board (by "Board Dudes") was expanding and contracting, which was bending pin posts on pins that had 2+ posts. HM pins might be fine, or pins with only one post, but 2+ posts is asking for trouble.
Well, here is my first corkboard. I love the frame around it. I'm going to redo my bedroom with light gray walls and use antique white style pieces. So I really wanted this frame. It came from hobby lobby. It was reg. 70.00. However, it was 50% off today so I got it for 35.00. It comes in an antique black also. I did notice that the cork part is really thin which considering the cost surprised me. I don't know if that's good or bad. I don't think I'm gonna have any problems with the post sticking or bending. What I'm worried about is it holding my pins securely now.lol. But I've already put oins on it so taking it back. Hoping for the best that it will be fine. So far so good. Hubby is going to hang it for me tomorrow. Thanks for all advice.

ill show you mine.....I for one stuck to black frames (for the pins i have downstairs) and wood frames in my office HOWEVER i for one paint all my cork black with craft paint. WHY? well as i gently take over my house with my PIN ART :naughty: I want to kinda tone down the business and i must say it worked for me. here are some pics --One other suggestion, let the artist in you flow....try not to do rows of pins. They tend to go on a slant and that is unpleasant to the eye as well as they various shapes dont flow, instead do a more mosiac look and flow colors and shapes to what appeals to you.


why thank you. Now i have not had any problems removing them (yes i play with them a change them around) nor have there been any black residue on the backs) i have only been making boards for about 6mo soooooo fingers crossed.
Ya know what tho, it bring me joy. Its much more fun getting a pin that i get to put onto a board then in a pinbook. Life is short, enjoy them, play with them, take them off the freakin cards. I cant worry about resale value or dust. Tarnish will stink tho. Thats just me. im ckoo ckoo
ill show you mine.....I for one stuck to black frames (for the pins i have downstairs) and wood frames in my office HOWEVER i for one paint all my cork black with craft paint. WHY? well as i gently take over my house with my PIN ART :naughty: I want to kinda tone down the business and i must say it worked for me. here are some pics --One other suggestion, let the artist in you flow....try not to do rows of pins. They tend to go on a slant and that is unpleasant to the eye as well as they various shapes dont flow, instead do a more mosiac look and flow colors and shapes to what appeals to you.



Whoa. We collect some of the same themes, only you have WAY more pins! Really nice looking boards, I love them!
YES tiggerific, Peter Pan everything...that was the very first pin i got the Peter Pan booster set and its been crazy town ever sense.
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