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Disney Auctions - (Princess) Carousel Horse Set

Disney Auctions - (Princess) Carousel Horse Set


Carousel Fanatic
Rating - 100%
6   0   0
Kingston, Washington
I am currently looking to purchase this set. (i don't have any pins in the same LE tier but am willing to also offer pins)

Disney Auctions - Carousel Horse Set
23955, 23954, 23953, 23951, 23950, and 23948



If you have one or more of the pins from this set or know someone who might be willing to sell them to me, please contact me here (I am willing to take any possible leads at this point). These are my top priority Grails, and i've finally saved up enough money to start looking for them again. Please help if you can. Additionally, because of my busy work schedule, I can rarely get out to go to events to look of for these guys, so if anyone is willing to keep an eye out for them at trading events, that would be so helpful!

On A side note, please do not send me any links of just a single pin being sold for more than $600.

Thank you for helping me achieve this dream!
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Good luck! I've been looking for this for sis, but most sets go for a few thousand dollars and I'm not at that point where I would spend that much on six pins!
Good luck! I've been looking for this for sis, but most sets go for a few thousand dollars and I'm not at that point where I would spend that much on six pins!

Thank you i'm keeping my fingers crossed! :x:

I'm currently at the point of desperation where i'll probably be willing quite a bit for the entire set, it'd be great if i had a decent amount of trade fodder to just trade for them, but unfortunately getting ahold of LE 100's is difficult if you don't live close to any of the parks. :eek:

i have two and they are avalible,,ill send u a message
AWESOME! I look forward to your pm!
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You won't be spending $1000 for the set. You will be spending $1,000 per pin except for Ariel. That one will be $1,500-$2,000. This is probably the most sought after princess set ever released and I"m still kicking myself I didn't bid that extra few dollars I needed to win the original auction.
You won't be spending $1000 for the set. You will be spending $1,000 per pin except for Ariel. That one will be $1,500-$2,000. This is probably the most sought after princess set ever released and I"m still kicking myself I didn't bid that extra few dollars I needed to win the original auction.
While i thank you for commenting, i have in fact found the pins being sold in auctions for 300 and a little over, the pin prices on eBay currently are inflated as all get out. I just keep kicking myself in the but for not working on this set sooner.