Disney Princess Designer Collection DOLL Release Discussion v2.0
Yes I will never complain about the pin releases ever again lolThe Jessica & Tink Halloween pin releases were nothing compared to Dollmagedon!
Yes I will never complain about the pin releases ever again lolThe Jessica & Tink Halloween pin releases were nothing compared to Dollmagedon!
I really didn't expect to get any once their website started acting up . I really am thrilled for you that were able to get your dolls . YaY ! At least some succeeded .
Is Punzy sold out in UK too ?
If you do a search on designer you will get the four Princess Designer items (sticky notes, lip gloss, Jasmine and Snow White T-shirts) that were on the Designer page before today, as well as the five (sold out) Princess Dolls.i wish they would put the other desinger merichdase back on the site
Im giving up =(
Disney Twitter:
DisneyStore Disney Store
All Designer Dolls have sold out. We understand the experience was poor for many, and we're sorry. Thank you for your patience and feedback.
Oh to imagine the "feedback" they are getting right now.
Wish I had been on earlier, I would have suggested this music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chotMddRcV4 (on the other board, we use to listen to this while waiting for pins to appear)
What is happening with your beauties??????
Did they find them yet? What is happening?
Nothing...I was going to wait until tomorrow to call guest services back with the additional information I discovered this past weekend (like correct shipping address on the original sales slip and address where UPS said they left my package "at door" is a fenced in outdoor college? soccer field with no houses on the entire block). I did call on Saturday and the rep said she sent an urgent e-mail to D23, but I haven't heard back from them. I spoke with a D23 rep last Thursday and he said he would keep me informed about what was going on (HA!). I also spoke with our shipping dept about the UPS mess and got this comment "Typical UPS" :sigh:
Here's an image to ease everyone's sorrows.
So my husband was kind enough to order them for me while I was at work. Thank goodness because I would've had a heart attack!! lol After multiple tries he was able to get 4 dolls and check out. I got an email with the invoice with price of $252. Well, when I checked the order status on disneystore.com it showed the invoice with all 4 dolls but the price had been adjusted to like.. $127 or so. I called them to see why the price difference and they told me 2 of the dolls were sold out and so I'd be getting only 2 dolls and NOT 4 as was in the original invoice. *sigh* it's alright though, at least I was able to get 2 and I know not everyone was as fortunate. Can't wait to get Jasmine and Pocahontas!!