Disney Store does it to collectors AGAIN!!
No one I can find has except one person has the Oliver and Company pin. So the Oliver and MM Club will be forever missing I guess. On a new twist, I called Disney today to check on an order and they insist it hasn't shipped and is still in processing. LOL, I got the pins yesterday. Couldn't wait to tell them that one. They had the nerve to insist I couldn't have possibly have gotten it since it hasn't shipped. It was strange insisting I got the pins and they didn't know what they were saying. Then they offered me a $15 gift card for the inconvenience of actually getting my order. Strange. I told them I didn't want money, or apologies or sorries for the inconvenience I just wanted them to get the information they are giving to the customer correct. I ask them to just fix the system and get back to the business of being Disney Magic. That said, I still have an open order that they insist has shipped, but I haven't received yet. And the saga drags on........
then they offered me a $15 gift card for the inconvenience of actually getting my order.
sounds like you charge to air this out at pintalk as able-bodied back there are disney advisers who common that website as able-bodied...Maybe they do wish to get rid of us all, lol?
Spam bot. Look at the signature. I've already reported the posts.
I placed my first order today in a longgggggg time (mostly for the Ariel designer doll)- we'll see how the shipping to me goes.
I really hope I don't join the ranks of the suffering in this thread,![]()
More creative Spam Bot, to say the least
Yes, the first invoice showed all the items were shipped, then Disney supposedly lost those shipments and were going to send me replacements. Then they could not find them so the replacements were never shipped. I did get billed and they took the money out of my account. So it's been a long, arduous struggle to get my money back.For those of you who got the wrong items, did the shipping invoice show the item sent or the items you had ordered?
What a HUGH disappointment. This morning in my mailbox is an email from Disney that "sorry, but those pins are sold out" blah, blah, blah. I immediately called and was told that I would get Oliver and Dodger, but NOT the MM Club. They still have no idea where those pins are. I was so sad I almost cried. They are going to try to find one, but we all know how that goes. The minute you hang up, they forget you. Disney let me down again.