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Disney Store Limited Edition 17" Dolls Discussion - 2016

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Disney Store Limited Edition 17" Dolls Discussion - 2016
Usually dolls look better in real life than promo photos..we will just have to wait and see....september 20 is coming...
There's no way I can have someone else pick up my preordered dolls for me, is there. My aunt is insisting we leave Saturday to go to Arizona to take care of my mom's stuff and I'm not going to be able to be there on the 20th. :/
There's no way I can have someone else pick up my preordered dolls for me, is there. My aunt is insisting we leave Saturday to go to Arizona to take care of my mom's stuff and I'm not going to be able to be there on the 20th. :/

How long are you gonna be in Arizona? Cause I believe that they can put the dolls in the back.

Also, it never hurts to go to the DisneyStore and talk to them.

Maybe explain your situation, show them your ID, and ask if you could leave the name of someone else who is able to pick it up, just so that they are prepared.
Yes they can pick up the dolls for you. Just as long as they have your receipt. Call ahead and give them the name of the person who can pick her up and they usually allow it. That's what my store said.
There's no way I can have someone else pick up my preordered dolls for me, is there. My aunt is insisting we leave Saturday to go to Arizona to take care of my mom's stuff and I'm not going to be able to be there on the 20th. :/

You also have three months to pick them up with if the store won't allow another person to pick it up for you.
Checked today, can't have someone pick them up for me, so I'll just have to take whatever's left over when I get back.

I guess it depends on the store? Mine didn't have a problem as long as I gave them the name of the person picking up the dolls for me.
Well, I asked my store if someone could pick up my dolls for me because I had a family member who was DYING from cancer and I didn't know if I was going to be able to pick them up when the 20th came around --- and the store told me no, sorry. They also told me they only hold the dolls for a week (which didn't make sense to me because I had already paid for them) but that if I called about a week beforehand they would try to hold on to them a little longer.

My family member passed away earlier than expected so I can pick them up now, but I am still angry and disgusted at their complete lack of compassion and refusal to work with me on this.
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That is terrible! First of all i'm so sorry for your loss. And secondly, considering that you paid for the doll in full, there is absolutely no reason why they shouldn't be able to hold it. Its yours as far as your receipt is concerned so they should have been able to hold it.

so sorry to hear! thats terrible on all points. as a former employee I was always told its a year hold since its paid for. Im guessing its a managers choice since it seems to be a unique situation.

to support that there was someone who bought a snow gear anna a good while back straight from the store. theres no other way theyd have had that doll unless it went unclaimed since a return of that doll that late wouldnt be accepted.

I'm very sorry to hear about your loss. First of all, I apologize on behalf of all the Disney Store Cast Members. I wasn't there, but it sounds like the cast member didn't know their policy very well. The policy for ALL pre-orders is your item is held for three months, after that point the Disney Store is free to sell it again. Some stores hold it for longer (especially if you talk to them about your circumstances), but the minimum is three months. It even says that you may redeem your voucher at any time between Sept 20th-Dec 20th.

I am so sorry to hear about your family member!

I would escalate this issue with corporate. Not only did they not know about their own policy, but the lack of sympathy is disgusting. In severe and unfortunate circumstances like these, they should be able to work something out with you. Even if you leave a photocopy of a person's ID (something without too much data) with them so that they're 100% certain that they're not giving it to someone else.... Social media shame them. That's the only way to get them to listen to your complaint!
Thank you to everyone for the condolences.

On the day of purchase I explained the circumstances and asked if I could add someone's name to my order with their id info, etc. I was told they would have the manager call me about it later, but no one ever called. When I called a few days later, the sales associate asked the manager and that was when I was told no one but me could pick it up, and that they would hold the dolls up to a week. I kind of argued with her about the week hold, and that's when they said if I called closer to the time of the release they would "try" to hold on to it for longer.

I understand there are rules and policies in place and everyone down the line is just trying to do what they are told, but unfortunately this is the problem with huge companies like Disney - there is no room for common sense or flexibility. Anyway it is a non-issue now, as I will be back home in time to pick up the dolls on the 20th, but I was a little shocked at their response especially since I've been going to the same store for every doll release for three years now.
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I am so sorry for your loss!

As far as your problem with the store, this is definitely the worst DS customer service experience I've ever heard of. I really hope that if nothing else the store will apologize to you if it hasn't already. Especially if it was on the vouchers that they could be held until December 20th, any store should have held the doll for you longer than a week.

I would call the corporate headquarters.
Wow, that's appalling. Like, it's literally right there - in bold - on the receipt: pick up between Sept 20th-Dec 20th. If that was coming from a manager, they seriously need to be set straight! Because there's probably going to be someone who decides to come later, only to end up empty handed. That must count as some kind of breech of contract.

(Also, I was in a very similar situation a few years ago and you have my deepest sympathies. My sincerest condolences to you and your family.)

Hey, if you don't mind me asking, which store was it? If I remember correctly, you're in Toronto, right? If it's the Eaton Centre store, I know they've recently hired practically a whole new roster of cast members so they don't really know much yet. New or not though, that's not an excuse to be uncompassionate. Nonetheless, you should call guest relations about it so it doesn't happen again to someone else in the future.
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Thank you. I never even noticed that on the receipt. Now I am even more perplexed why they told me only a week?!

It was in NY. The cast member I spoke to was trying to be nice about it ---from what I understand she was just relaying information from the manager so she probably couldn't do anything about it whether she wanted to or not... so it's really the manager I feel that could have worked with me on it.

I understand that there are rules and policies in place, and they probably feel like if they do it for one person than they'd have to do it for everyone who has an issue. However, I think that DS itself should allow you to add just one more person's name to the list at the time of purchase in case emergencies come up or something or at least be flexible if there is an extenuating circumstance, like in my case.

To be honest, I wish they would do away with preorder altogether. It's much less hassle to just get the dolls in-store the day of.
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Got my card pending charged as well! But I haven't got the email saying that it shipped, because usually the card is carved as soon as the item ships.
Probably not the right thread to post that in but Fix it Felix is up at 5:30 a.m. Was anything major released last night or they are trying to fix the bugs people have been having when ordering the dolls? i usually see him up when the site crashes on doll nights...
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