Hey everyone, just joined the forum because I really love tsum tsums!
This is my collection I started back in November:
Cheshire Cat, Daisy, Queen of Hearts, and large Minnie all from Target (just picked them up yesterday, looking for the rest of the Alice set still!).
The Inside Out set, Wasabi, and Anna are all from a Disneyland trip I took in June.
Bee Pooh, Elsa, Honey Lemon, the Cinderella set, and Lady (who should be arriving soon) were all ordered via Amazon.
And the rest are from Disney stores!
I'm planning on getting Lilo and Angel from the Lilo and Stitch set, and if I didn't have to save my money for the US releases I'd be tempted to get Leroy from the Japanese set too.

And from the leaked Aladdin set so far I only like Jasmine, so I might be able to save some money for Holiday tsums (I'd really like to get the full Peter Pan set!).
Haha sorry for rambling, I've never met fellow tsum tsum enthusiants. ^^