Disney Tsum Tsum

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On December 13th target will be releasing all Cinderella and Big Hero 6 tsums!

Some people on face book had pictures but they were register locked

I found the Cinderella ones at my Target a couple of days ago. I only had enough money on me for two of them, and it took me forever to decide which two to get. I ended up choosing Cinderella and Gus Gus. I was pretty bummed when I got to the register and it showed the error. The manager was really nice and let me buy them since they had been put out, but I have a feeling they went and pulled the rest after I left.
Spanish site has the pictures of the Next sets ;-) : Lion King, Oswald and pink Minnie, new Mickey and Minnie on Valentine theme and Valentine chocolate box (JP last year).
Lion King set!! So cute!

Mickey & Minnie Valentine's Day


Oswald and Minnie


(PC: @tsumtsumgang on IG)
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Actually, that IG account (@tsumtsumgang) posted a lot of leaks, including Nick, Judy, and the sloth from Zootopia, an Easter Mickey and Minnie, a possible Monkey set, and GotG tsums, like Star-Lord, Rocket, Groot, and Drax.
As always, the links probably won't work from mobile. You'll need to click them from a real computer. If you're on mobile Christopher Robin's item number is 1234055042477 and all the rest are the same with the last two digits counting up (78, 79, 80, 81, 82). Good luck everyone!

There shouldn't be any other tsums tonight....Guardians of the Galaxy is going to be released on a SECOND Tsum Tsum Tuesday for this month on the 15th (DAMMIT DISNEY STORE, MAKING ME WAKE UP AT FIVE AM TWICE IN THE SAME MONTH *angry fist shake*)
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There shouldn't be any other tsums tonight....Guardians of the Galaxy is going to be released on a SECOND Tsum Tsum Tuesday for this month on the 15th (DAMMIT DISNEY STORE, MAKING ME WAKE UP AT FIVE AM TWICE IN THE SAME MONTH *angry fist shake*)
I'll be getting the GOTG for myself anyways so if you have problems just let me know , there's usually no problems with stock in the UK
I stand corrected! The ugly and poorly made (I have five of the seven as I just happened to be at Disneyland when they were released so I can say with certainty that you're taking a huge gamble of getting a horrible deformed tsum if you buy them online and not in person :( ) Park Attractions tsums are up on the website too! Even Liberty Minnie has a sale page though she's sold out. I don't think she was or ever will be available online, I think they just loaded a page for her because that's her item number in the system at the NYC Disney Store and it's the same as the online store.
Thank you for the links! I've been waiting and waiting for the rest of this set to be released here. My mom and I both love Winnie the Pooh, so I offered to stay up and order the ones we wanted. I am practically falling asleep at my desk. Hopefully I didn't screw up and add unnecessary items like I did last time I stayed up for a release! :lol:

On a side note, I need those Lion King Tsum Tsums! They're so cute! :D
LOL with all this black Friday and cyber Monday sales! I completely forgot about Tsum Tsum Tuesday but wasn't so excited about the Winnie the Pooh ones so decided to pass on them and instead save for the Lion King man do I need to get those and lots of them lol some for me then my son and my sister oh man! and then the Guardians of the Galaxy and the subscription ahhhhhh I need to stop lol
Super glad I decided to check in on TTT even though I'm not getting the Winnie the Pooh set, I'm finally going to get my remaining transportation tsums! January is going to be a close call for me, a day earlier and I would have been on a plane for TTT. I'm definitely getting the full Lion King set even if Timon and Zazu look a little weird to me (Timon might just need a haircut).

And as a Mickey/Minnie tsum collector, those EU releases look suuuuper tempting. If they come to the US I'd ideally like to get pink Minnie and both Valentine Mickey/Minnie pairs but I might not be able to afford all five of them on top of a $45 set. :/ It all depends!
Real excited for the Lion king, and might get the Valentine set.

REALLY unimpressed with Groot XD
So I'll be getting Scar no question but one or three hyenas ?

LOL! I thought about that too, but decided there are already way too many LK tsum characters to get. :D

REALLY unimpressed with Groot XD

Yeah, he's not all what I expected. None of the GotG tsums are. I'm really bummed because I thought at least Groot and Raccoon would look amazing. Oh well, between Disney releasing them in the middle of this month and then releasing LK tsums two weeks later -- all wrapped around the holiday season-- I couldn't really afford both sets anyways. This is just Fate reinforcing I don't need the GotG tsums at all. :D
I found the Cinderella ones at my Target a couple of days ago. I only had enough money on me for two of them, and it took me forever to decide which two to get. I ended up choosing Cinderella and Gus Gus. I was pretty bummed when I got to the register and it showed the error. The manager was really nice and let me buy them since they had been put out, but I have a feeling they went and pulled the rest after I left.

Wait, like the same thing companies do with movie, music and book releases? This makes me giggle because it's weird. It's not like you can giveaway a story plot. or copy mp3 files to share early, or post scenes on youtube; it's just a cute little plush thing whose pictures have already been circulating the www for over a year. I figured the 13th was a projected sale/release date and not a diehard none-before-now date.

Happy to hear they let you get them anyway. At least you beat the mad rush and now you know the others you didn't get will be available on the
13th when you can go back and purchase more and different characters. :D
I'm a little surprised that the Winnie the Pooh tsums haven't sold out yet (almost 9 hours post-release). I know the transportation tsums must be stealing the spotlight, but to not even have one tsum sold out by now is pretty unusual for TTT.
I'm not surprised... It was a pretty underwhelming release... I had forgot about tsum Tuesday and even when I went on the Disney website and saw they were up I was like meh. /:
Awwww, it's sweet of Disney to release Lion King in January just in time for my birthday! :D It'll be the first TTT I'll be waiting up for since Inside Out. I can't get over Timon's faaaaaaaaaaaace, though. I'll probably wind up getting two of him and attempt to give one a haircut.

GotG is kind of underwhelming but I think I'll still try for a Rocket. I know my friend is going to go bonkers for him (and medium Rocket if it's also released.)

If anyone is planning on a Valentines set co-op, please let me know. I adore that Daisy but not enough to get the entire set just for her. (I did for the winter set, but that's because I can use the others in the set as my contribution to sibling Christmas stockings.)
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