Disneystore.com - Big Hero 6 LE 300 Pin Set Pre-Order (SOLD OUT)
These pins are really nice, I can't wait til the movie comes out!
When did DS.com start doing pre-sells on pins like that?
Last night. N seriously. In my decade of buying I have never seen pre-sale before. I wonder if it is to give them more time to check for duplicate orders.
Then I also heard a report of someone grabbing a set around 6am ... so I'm not sure.
I missed out too and am super bummed about it
I worry about a release for Inside Out. I already know I'm going to want to collect that movie.
People are speculating that duplicate orders were being cancelled opening up spots around 6:30 AM
- 7:30 AM. Thats about the time I was able to complete an order.
Congrats to those who got a set. and good luck to all who are trying to trade for one!
I just heard about this an hour ago. but looking at the website I couldn't have afforded it even if I did see it in time.
I worry about a release for Inside Out. I already know I'm going to want to collect that movie.
It looks like an interesting movie, anyone know if its original or adapted from a comic book?
Got all the way to place order and it's saying we have 0 more of this popular itemMobile Site is letting you add it to your cart. Order fast if you want it.
I really hope we get this set in the uk do you think we will?
Just to let you guys know they just went back on sale at about 4:10 and they just sold out at about 4:25. I'm super happy because I was about to get them! However for the people who weren't I'm really sorry but that was the third time these pins got released... First at midnight last night,second around 10 (I know this because I tried to get a set then and they sold out right before I could) and last about five minutes ago. So hopefully they will release them again in a little bit so you guys can get them! So good luck
P.S I did get an email confirmation since some people did say maybe they over sold them or released then again by accident but my purchase did go thru