1. That picture has nothing to do with Jasmine not selling out, because if the people who were doubting her saw the newer images, they would have gotten the doll by now and it would have sold out. Besides, a lot of people here said that they wouldn't get the doll because of that image, and ended up getting the doll because of the images that were on the website.
2. Same reason as the first one. I know someone who despises the shine, but ended up getting the doll.
3. Jasmine is not popular, but I don't think it's because of her ethnicity. I think I've touched upon how her character (and several of the ethnic princesses) are pretty much just normal human beings. Nothing magical about them. She isn't a mermaid and she doesn't have a magical dress transformation. So when kids are growing up, they don't pay that much attention to Jasmine because she is just a normal human being. Also, Aladdin is the main character and most girls love Aladdin more.
4. Increased price doesn't matter. If increased price was an issue, none of the Frozen SP15 dolls would have sold. Also, LE500 Cinderella.
5. Scalpers could be the main culprit here. They probably realized that no one wants to get Jasmine beyond the usual doll collectors and that people would pretty much just preorder her on release day.
6. Generally speaking, collectors will buy both, but this might be a valid excuse. But with the rumors going around about the other dolls this year, I don't think people are that excited about them.
As for the possibility of a Mulan and Pocahontas, they're pretty much nonexistent at this point and I doubt Disney will bother making them. Jasmine was the final nail in the coffin. They already got the sign that not that many people are interested in getting them from last year's sets and Disney will not waste their resources to make them. I suggest people just move on from ever having these two Disney princesses made. Anothe1.r reason would be because Jasmine actually sells more than Pocahontas and Mulan... So that's that. I could maybe see a LE2500 with Mulan and Poca, but I doubt they'll make them. Besides, what can they do with Pocahontas? She'll end up looking as plain as Jasmine.
1. My first point was more about the fact that there was only one picture released of her, on one day, so very little hype. Unlike the other dolls, who got several pics and closeups. So people who weren't paying as close attention wouldn't even have known about her at all. I heard that many people who were at the disney store on preorder day didn't even know she existed.
2. Or people who were doubting her because of the shine didn't get her because she still had the shine. Its not like the new pictures showed that they eliminated the shine, it's still there, just not as shiny as it appeared to be. But still there. There could have been just as many people who did not change their mind about the shine as there were who did.
3. I definitely think the race thing factors in. Not sure how much the magic stuff really factors in because there is magic in all the movies. Out of all the white princesses, only Rapunzel and Elsa has powers, and Ariel is a mermaid but with no other powers. I suppose Cinderella and Aurora and Belle had magical dress transformations, but so did Tiana and Tiana's not popular. Anna and Snow White have no powers or dress transformations. You could also argue that Pocahontas could talk to trees, Mulan had a magic dragon, and Jasmine got to ride a magic carpet. I think looks factor into their popularity a lot more than you would think. None of them are really 'normal' human beings, they are all remarkable and have been touched by magic in some way. I also don't think most girls love Aladdin more.
4. Perhaps increased price doesn't matter as much, but I do think it matters. Some collectors want more for the increased price, and Jasmine isn't any more detailed than the previous $99 ones, so people may not think she is worth it. And $20 difference is a lot for some people. I do think it is a deterrent, though maybe a minor one. Also, Aurora is all over ebay for almost retail, and so are the Frozen 2015 dolls. This point relates to the scalper point; they are only going to pay the increased price if they think they will get more for it later. And a lot don't think Jasmine, who is less popular than Elsa, Anna, or Aurora, will sell for the higher price.
6. Not all collectors are the same, so I don't think 'generally speaking' is accurate. Not all collectors can afford or want every single release that comes out. I for example will only buy the ones I love. I am not a completist. If I didn't absolutely love Jasmine, then I will want to save my money for potentially better dolls later.
I'm going to disagree and say there will definitely be Mulan and Pocahontas, perhaps in smaller edition sizes, but they will eventually come. They still did princes and villains despite the fact that previous princes and villains didn't sell out immediately. The 17 inch dolls have always eventually sold out, which matters more I think than how fast they sell out. I think 17 inch Jasmine will eventually sell out too. I don't think the 17 inch doll sales can be compared directly with the smaller designer doll sales anyways. They can be compared, but it's not the same either. As for Pocahontas, Mattel has done some beautiful collector looking dolls of her, so I would think Disney can too.