I'm in the minority of people who don't consider the original 17" Alice doll to be a "hybrid." She was released for the 60th anniversary of animated Alice, a year AFTER the Burton film (2011 vs 2010), and her dress is really Alice's dress jazzed up--which you would expect from the 17" line, in which every character's "classic" outfit has been enhanced in some way. I'm not being argumentative with you, ha ha, although it may sound like it.

I think that's the biggest issue with doing another "classic" Alice: She only has one outfit in the entire movie--so unless they quite literally just design a new blue dress, I don't know what they could do with her. Doesn't mean another Alice doll wouldn't be welcomed by many--and I'm not saying there's no chance. I just am not sure what they could do to make her different from what they've already done. Belle had other clothes to change into for a new doll ....
As far as the blu-ray release, at least, it's an interesting question. I thought they'd put out a new edition timed to the 65th anniversary--but that's been released to DMC members and not (yet) the general public. The DMC version is not labeled as "signature," so would they release ANOTHER blu-ray within six months to a year? Not sure. It does raise the question: Alice or not, what will they do for the next 17" doll release???*
* After BatB and Moana, since we already know about those.