It's a note taking application. So a way to organize everything you would normally scribble on a piece of paper, or type up and print to have for reference.
So adding to my own thread, I realized while I was putting away my recent acquisitions, that this is a great way to remember what is in each of my binders and bags. Normally, I end up pulling out each binder and looking at my pins, and pull out the ones that are supposed to go in it. Inevitably, I miss one and have to pull out binders multiple times. But then I can't remember which binder I need, so I end up going through most of them a 2nd time. This way, I can pick up a pin, look at Evernote to determine which binder I need, and grab the right one on the first try.
So on my phone, I created a Notebook called "Pin Binders." Inside the Notebook, I have 3 Notes. One Note for the 3 binders I've done so far. So for example, one of the binders is WDW Pin Of the Month Series. Then, in the Note, I typed which series are in it. So for this binder, my Note says Piece of History, Find-A-Pin, Hidden Disney, etc.
Some of the series I couldn't remember the official name. So now that I'm at my computer, I can look it up on Pinpics, and then edit my note in the Evernote application on my computer. And it will automatically update my phone.