ebay seller arrested today and scrappers off the streets.

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ebay seller arrested today and scrappers off the streets.
Sorry...yes there is a girl friend also. I did not talk of her cuz i have no pic or info on her as of yet.. I wanted ppl to know the guys for sure. One is a rapest and the other is a X Cm at DLR. Im sure from what i have read and other CMs i have talked to... That many ppl have meet and even traded with these guys. I was told " i hide my lanyard when i see bob walking around" Crazy to think that even the CMs knew what was happening. Im just glad they got the guys. It sumtimes takes a while so that ice/fbi can be sure to have lock tight case... Agian sorry if it was not clear that there are 3 ppl. DA said it seems bob is the head..larry a worker and gfriend also in on the scam.
To add...here's the link to the case. I won't be able to go to the next hearing, but I'm going to keep track, I'd like to sit in on it and watch. I wonder if it'll actually go to trial. Defendants could change their plea to guilty if they can work out some type of lesser jail time deal. Who knows. After the June hearing I'm going to look it up to see what the proceedings entailed.
to think you can actually see what the guys looked like now thanks to the link so I wonder if any one here ever saw them trading at the parks...
I've seen the article but not one where it showed the pictures! Thank you Judy for sharing this.

I don't recognize either of them, so I guess that is a good thing.

I've seen the article but not one where it showed the pictures! Thank you Judy for sharing this.

I don't recognize either of them, so I guess that is a good thing.

I go to DLR often, and I don't recall ever spotting either of these guys thank goodness! It's sad pin collecting has spawned crime such as this. Hopefully these arrests will deter any other potential criminals from doing this.
Wow hopefully he's banned from Disney and they catch all the people doing this so it wont be as scarry to buy from ebay.

yes banned im sure. One of the guys was a X cm at DLR. so im sure DLR whats to put as much space as it can betwen them selfs and that guy.
After reading this thread, I'm surprised that no one is alarmed that a registered sex offender has been attending Disney Pin Trading Nights for a number of years. I knew Larry Allred who is one of the defendants from meeting him at one of the Pin Trading Nights. He was always nice and polite and did a lot of trading, mostly lower end stuff but always seemed to have connections to find different pins. My wife even made him cookies and gave them to him at a Pin Trading Night.

I had no idea he had been convicted of Rape and that he was a registered Sex Offender. He was around so many women and children at these Pin Trading Nights! I hadn't seen him in about two years now so it just saddens me to learn all this about him but thankful that nothing ever happened to my wife or anyone else that was around him.

I too, was introduced to Larry at a PTN years back and was told he was a great guy and super fair to trade with. Even traded with him. I would have never suspected his background. Remember, this is YEARS back.

And let us not forgot that even though they were the ones who supposedly had the pins made, there are others who must have helped to distribute them in the parks. Unsuspecting buyers, friends, family even? Do you remember the amazement on your face when older hidden mickey's began magically reappearing on lanyards? We would blame Disney for finding that "lost" box until we went home to compare them to the original pins. Or have you ever heard the deal, "bring me one new/current hidden mickey and I'll give you two of these." Come on folks, really? And all that did was encourage those who didn't know about counterfeit/scrapper pins, to continue to do the dirty work! That is why our parks are fully loaded with them. Just remember, if a deal sounds good, be it low costs, 2 for 1, or otherwise, it probably is TOO good to be TRUE! This counterfeit case is based on one box tipping off authorities. Who knows how many other boxes prior were passed through customs without being checked.
I too, was introduced to Larry at a PTN years back and was told he was a great guy and super fair to trade with. Even traded with him. I would have never suspected his background. Remember, this is YEARS back.

And let us not forgot that even though they were the ones who supposedly had the pins made, there are others who must have helped to distribute them in the parks. Unsuspecting buyers, friends, family even? Do you remember the amazement on your face when older hidden mickey's began magically reappearing on lanyards? We would blame Disney for finding that "lost" box until we went home to compare them to the original pins. Or have you ever heard the deal, "bring me one new/current hidden mickey and I'll give you two of these." Come on folks, really? And all that did was encourage those who didn't know about counterfeit/scrapper pins, to continue to do the dirty work! That is why our parks are fully loaded with them. Just remember, if a deal sounds good, be it low costs, 2 for 1, or otherwise, it probably is TOO good to be TRUE! This counterfeit case is based on one box tipping off authorities. Who knows how many other boxes prior were passed through customs without being checked.

i just hope customs starts catching these china wholesalers who are directly advertising that they are selling authentic pins.which hello im sure disney doesnt allow them to resell merchandise made exclusively for the parks.but then again look at all the other counterfeit disney merchandise there is out there. just go down to the local swap meet and you'll see all the crap people are selling w/princesses and toy story on them.i wish disney would help our economy and stop making merchandise over seas.there are so many avenues for employment they could open up for in this country.but they are a big business trying to make profit w/ as little cost as possible.its just a shame.
There's a hearing on June 27; I won't be able to attend unfortunately, since I'll be out of town, but I'll be following it online, at least. The case is through the Orange County court, Case No. 11NF1191.
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