The pins I go after, don't usually end up with a lot of people bidding. I think I mostly end up competing with other Ebay sellers who are looking for cheap stock or people looking for some cheap traders. However, there have been 2 auctions that stand out. One was for the Wilderness Lodge 10th anniversary pin. I had put in a bid, because if it sold for less than that, I would have been annoyed. But I won! I burst out laughing and DH asked what was up. I said, "I accidentally won a pin." He asked, "How do you accidentally win a pin?"
2nd story is a recent story. I did not bid on this pin, because I don't spend a lot of money on individual pins. In 11 years, I've only paid $30 or more 3 times, and never more than $35. But in this case, I really wish I did. There are some pins from the early days of pin trading that I would love to have. And because the edition sizes were so much bigger then than now, I've actually started to acquire them. But this pin, still has over 200 people wanting it on Pinpics and only 3 trading. So I figured there had to be a couple of "old time pin traders" watching the auction and would bid it up at the last minute. But the auction closed at the same price as it was 4 days earlier. $56 for
I have no idea what the person who won, had for their max, so if I had bid, no guarantee that it wouldn't have taken a big jump. But I know what this pin used to go for, and to see it go for $56, just blew my mind. Maybe that's its price now, I don't know.