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Auction Ended: FINAL HOURS - Designer Villains

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Auction Ended: FINAL HOURS - Designer Villains
P.S. Hope I haven't prejudiced anyone's opinions. That's a great offer in my eyes, but the Goon or Grim may have other thoughts going on in their heads...
P.S. Hope I haven't prejudiced anyone's opinions. That's a great offer in my eyes, but the Goon or Grim may have other thoughts going on in their heads...

I am pretty sure the first pin (of the 3 pin bid) is tops on Goon's want list and may blow it all out of the water....
Ohhhhh My... Whole Set leader by far now... and forced with the toughest decision of our pin trading life... Co-op's numerous PoDM offer or our holiest grail of PoDM's... Sorry everyone on the Co-Op Side the Scale has just tipped the other way... MinPinTrader is now the current overall leader with her whole set bid...

My bid #2 for the entire Designer Villains Set:

These three pins (mint on their original cards):

Welp, we may not win this auction, but we have some fight left, and we would wait closer to the end, for this battle, but we'll be in WDW and won't be around to bid later in the week yes we know...the last pin isn't a PODM..but HOPEFULLY it gives us the edge. hopefully

SO...here goes nothing

Does anyone have any Designer Princess Pins for sale or trade? I have an extra designer villain set MINT!
Does anyone have any Designer Princess Pins for sale or trade? I have an extra designer villain set MINT!

I think everyone is looking for that set. Post a trading thread on the forum over posting it on someone else's auction. It is sorta rude to high jack someone's thread. Posting your own thread is the best way to try and get what your looking for.
Well I didn't mean to be rude, but this forum doesn't allow me to post any new threads yet as it requires a 10 day membership and 30 posts. It's not my fault this forum has such a policy. I wish I could start my own thread, but this seems to be my only option of trying to find the Designer Princess Set for now. Up to 20 posts. 10 more to go and than I have to wait until Friday to make 10 days so I can do my own thread. Hope you all understand. Maybe you can collectively request the policy gets changed on this forum as I do intend on remaining a member. I would think a week of being a member with 10 posts should suffice.

I think if your patient and post on other's threads on topics and such you will be a full member in no time. But doing what your doing can be rude. I wouldn't want someone to post on my thread about them wanting something. You can go into discussions and talk about new pins coming out and what they look like etc. And be patient and no time flat you will become a member that can post on the threads. The admins created certain guidelines and its something you should probably read over and if you have strong feelings about something try and message one. I know it stinks having to wait but we all had to do it and once we became full members we would post our own threads. Best of luck on you finding your pins just be mindful of other members.
:facepalm: Someone please pm john to explain why that rule exists....moving on.

Since the whole bid is leader for Goons set. that means Grim can steal all of us single pin bidders if he wants!!! Come on grim!!! check out our bids! Wants any of us as yer leaders?
Ok dad thanks! I read it the first time...as I stated before I didn't mean to be rude you just took offense on your own. Now I'm being rude because your insulting my intelligence by acting as if I didn't know what you said the first time. I'll be sure to refrain posting my wanted pins until I can start my own threads. THANKS!

Being a new member and all I think you better watch you lip. We're all good friends here and no one would deliberately insult your intelligence. So be a bit more polite next time. THANKS!


That would be MOM. since both of us are Women. Your intellegence was not being insulted, nor was Amy being offensive to you. She explained the situation, and replied to your suggestion by indicating her opinion that the rule is justified and needs no change. She did not repeate herself, read peoples replies before getting upset. No-one is mad at you, no-one was being rude or condecending. You are the one choosing to be offended and upset. Time to let it go now.
OK MOMS! THANKS! Some of you are WAYYYY too serious about all this. RELAX YOURSELF...I will learn how to work and navigate the forum eventually on my own. You were absolutely being condescending because instead of privately messaging me to let me know what I was doing wrong you decided to post it on the forum for everyone to see. Try showing a bit of discretion next time. BYE!
Luckily there are still some respectful, nicer, individuals on here who has been giving me advice little by little through PM. Had you gone about it that way I may have reacted differently.
I'm picking my jaw up off the floor as I type at minpintrader's bid. That's the first time I've seen that cel from the 1st Tangled pin put up. Kinda in shock you'd be willing to let that one go.
Luckily there are still some respectful, nicer, individuals on here who has been giving me advice little by little through PM. Had you gone about it that way I may have reacted differently.

Sorry, barring any rules or stipulations that DPF has against new members posting new threads, Its kind of a "no brainer" to not post something on someone else's thread. Its like being at the park and I'm trading a villains set..and someone offers me something..and you butt in and try to horn in on the deal with your villains set. That's how it comes off when you post something like that on someone elses thread. Not so hard when you actually sit back and think about it eh?

For you to be a newbie and publicly call out and insult some of our senior members here on the forum doesn't say much about you either. Sure, we may take our hobby seriously, but its only because we love it THAT much. YOU asked the question on the thread and in turn get upset when someone answesr you in the thread as well? Makes no sense to me buddy. You may have interpreted the reply as condescending, but she was telling you how it is and how things are done around here.
Wow ok guys I really think it is time to drop this . . . . I don't think John meant to be rude - he was just trying to trade - and when you are new you dont always know how things work. Amy - didn't mean to come off as rude - But as well all know - written words can always be mis-interpreted. So lets just let it go and move on. John welcome to the forums - I hope you find your princess set! . . . . now lets all get back to this amazing dual auction!
oh Moe, you got the most views in the bag... the record is like 3570 or some such. and this auction has 4+ days to go!

Yeah... Silly, but I am almost more excited to have the record than what is going on in the auction itself... Well Almost... We soo love Minpintrader(One of The Best Members ever) and the bid she placed has us in tears with excitement... Been dancing all afternoon...

But what's after this... I will have the Auction House Record, My Pinter thread reached 1,000 post the fastest so far(Lol), I already crushed Grim's Chat Room Record(Bwahahaha... sorry Grim)... What's Left??? How else can I leave my mark here on this amazing forum of ours for all to remember me when I have gone... The wheels are starting to turn already...

well, i currently hold the record for most posts in a row on pinter II.......
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