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Freakin Pin Meanie!!!

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Freakin Pin Meanie!!!
If I could get all my kids friends or family memebers in to buy the pins with us I would. Not that I want to buy the pins to profit I collect BATB and it should not matter who we bring with us to get the pins some parents collect pins for there kids even at whatever age they maybe. If Disney can charge parents for thier kids to get in then the kids have a right to use them to buy items they may need. Me personally just want whatever scenes I can get and as many as I can find.

Oh. My. Now this is the type of cast member that I don't like. One question, did they use a single finger to point? Because if so, they broke more than one policy...

Oh "the Disney point", love how in Traditions they tell you to point with two fingers because it's accusatory with one, blah blah blah... the truth behind "the Disney point" is that Walt was a chain smoker and whenever someone would ask where he wanted something he would point holding a cigarette. Hence the two fingers.
nice to read this. i have always wondered about the feedback. I am sad to say that the 2 times i ever tryed to say thank you and give the thumbs ups for a good job.... i later found out that it was never told to the CM.

*** not that anyone likes it... me for sure... But many parts of Disney are very "clicky". there are many groups of Cms that try to stick together and see things as them agenst others. Not the way Walt wanted it at all.
If you see the cast member use the actual feedback card and takes ALL details (Date, time, what they did specifically) it's getting back to the cast member. If you see them just write it on any piece of paper, or don't get the full details, it's likely not getting to them. DCA guest relations (on the left after you enter the park, just past the "gas station") has seemed to always use the real form.
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