Frozen Disney Store Merchandise, What are you looking forward to? (Contains Spoilers)
Goodness jenna baby Sven..
I'm waiting for the world to shake... lol!!!
Reindeer are better than people........
kind of a random question and maybe unanswerable, but by chance does anyone know if the deluxe fashion doll set will be coming back? Really wish I just picked it up when it was in stock because I'd love to have a 12 in coronation elsa and Anna ~.~
That Sven is cute, I hope it comes online
I also want a Frozen magazine XD
Wow them posters are pretty sweet looking. is it me or does one say Frost? either way I like them all.
Yeah the movie is called Frost in Swedish.
I believe so as I was at my DS last week. and some guy beat me to one. and thought dang it....
Now the snowglobe and the castle playset. is something I wonder if it will be back,
Yeah, I'm not sure about the snow globe or the castle playset either. I do hope the doll set returns tho - or even better j would love if they made two versions of them as the classic dolls - coronation and winter - because I want them in those outfits in 12 in form, but all the other accessories aren't all important to me. ^^