I have to agree with wdwjuan. He and others simply expressed concerns or posed "what ifs" and it was Goofy_Moe that decided to shut down the auction. And we all know that there are traders out there that would behave the way described in these "what if" scenarios, so it's not so far-fetched.
There are lots of interesting ideas floated around here; some happen and some don't but I think it's a smart move to discuss them to try to foresee any unintended consequences.
[/QUOTE]The fact that no money is being exchange is probably irrelevant to an analysis if this is an auction. Things of value are being used to as bids for other things of value. Moreover, it is being called and advertised as an auction. A reasonable interpretation is that this is an auction. If not, then it’s simply fishing expeditions.
I have already posted significantly amounts of information that auctions have special legal issues concerning them. Another user has indicated that California law appears to controls them.
There is a large difference in holding a single auction online here on DPF vs. bringing hundreds, if not thousands of dollars’ worth of items to the Soda Fountain and holding a physical auction on their back-porch.
Why is this an issue?
Because we have already lost a lot of pin trading opportunities because of perceived greed by pin traders at the Disney parks. We have lost Tokyo Disneyland Resort. We have lost Downtown Disney in both Florida and California. We have lost pin trading events. Now it appears that we are in position to harm pin trading at the Soda Fountain and threatening this forum. I don't believe this is an issue to be taken lightly with hyperbole invoking the PotUS.
Sorry to yell, but I am tired of people confusing that issue. I can accept or reject a pinpics trade request at any time until addresses are exchanged. Once you bid on an 0 auction you cannot. [/QUOTE]
Kind of felt like I was being attacked, for stating a VERY discreet and calm opinion. I did not lash out at anyone, nor did I yell.
When someone offers me a pin and I say no, and then offers another, it's like bidding to me. Legally? Well, we see how views of that are on here.
I was not tring to say someone was wrong, I was stating, that if there are laws about auctioning items for other items, then we all need to review what we are all individually doing.
Anyway, I did take it personally, but I'll get over it. We all have our pet peeves, and sometimes, we act out without thinking how it might affect someone else.
I still think it was a good idea, especially as Goofy Moe has not been one of those people to take advantage of others. I see those people all the time at the park. I could name them, but Goofy Moe, no.
This is my opinion, and since I do not have a law degree, that is what they will remain, my opinions.
Not ranting, just pointing out that words can cause hurt.