Got My First Scrappers...
It was bound to happen eventually. I didn't realize the Ebay seller was from China(Which while not a dealbreaker, I would've been wary of) until it was far too late. However they seem to have good customer service through Ebay, so hopefully I'll get to return the pins and get my money back.
I got these pins to trade: Pin 80612, Pin 80615, and Pin 80608.
Yyyyyeah. They're very good, but still suspect. The edges are rougher on the back than my real pins and all three show misstamped machine damage on the backs in the upper right portions. While the enamel color and fill is good, the rough backs, misstamps, and the one corroded spot on the back of the Rapunzel pin make me think they're no good. :/ I guess I'll have to make sure of where my ebay sellers are from and nix anyone with any negative feedback for scrappers or fakes. It's a shame too because these pins if they'd been real would've been nice to have. I guess I'll have to stick with the very few I have for now or offer art in exchange for some beginning traders.
Unfortunately I live all the way in the Carolinas, so unless the Disney store starts selling pins regularly again or offers a nice selection online, I'll have to keep buying on Ebay or trading my creative services. :/