GRAB BAGS....PTDS....other pins AT COST!!
Trying to sell some pins!
I have 2 grab bags available. One with 10 pins and one with 20 pins.
Cost is $25 and $45 respectively. Shipping will be $3 in the US. Outside will be more.
Add 1 LE pin to your grab bag for an extra $10 (LE pin will be randomly added)
Each Present pin is $15 plus $2 shipping --- FROZEN ON HOLD----
Star Wars Pins --- $10 each --- StormTrooper - SOLD
Shere Khan PTD - $50 shipped in the US
Sorry for the huge picture! Anyway----- This is my entire collection... I am getting 3 more pins in the mail (Frozen Valentines Day/3 Caballeros/Sultan PTD)
If anyone would like the ENTIRE collection I would entertain offers but otherwise everything else on this picture is for sale except for Fox and Hound/Robin Hood.Rescuers. The rest are available for individual sale. Just comment here with what your interested in.