GRAILS!! Tangled, R/C Girls, Beloved Tales
Hello Everyone!
I have done a lot of trading with pins from these categories but I want to put these out there in order to hopefully make more trades.
These are the remaining R/C Girls, Beloved Tales, Designer Villains & Tangled pins I have left. I'm trying to cut down and just focus on specific collections.
I have made a list of my most wanted pins that I would like to get in return.
I am looking to trade these pins fairly, equal value.
If you see any matches please PM me with any serious offers.
Thank you for looking!! Happy Trading!! :wiggle:


I have done a lot of trading with pins from these categories but I want to put these out there in order to hopefully make more trades.
These are the remaining R/C Girls, Beloved Tales, Designer Villains & Tangled pins I have left. I'm trying to cut down and just focus on specific collections.
I have made a list of my most wanted pins that I would like to get in return.
I am looking to trade these pins fairly, equal value.
If you see any matches please PM me with any serious offers.
Thank you for looking!! Happy Trading!! :wiggle: