Grrr!!! Ebay rant!!
Just a bit of a rant here as I know this has happened to a couple of you guys before as well since we talked about it but, please, if you see that somebody won a pin on ebay don't email the seller and offer them more for that pin. What kind of a jerk thing is that to do? How would you feel if you had won that pin and somebody did that to you? Seriously, it is ridiculous. Somebody else already won it and is probably very excited to get it. I don't get why anyone would feel this is the right thing to do.
I have won 2 different pins on ebay lately which I have been excited about as pin buying has been very limited for me lately. On both of these occasions the seller messaged me asking to cancel the transaction b/c they would like to sell it for more!! Um, NO! I will not just cancel the transaction. You listed the pin at the price you wanted for it. You are in a binding contract now. Just b/c somebody else offers you more does not give you the right to tell the original buyer that you will not be sending it to them. I will not cancel the transaction and you will get a negative!
UGH! Sorry, rant over. I am just so sick of people doing this!
Please pm me with eBay seller name. They will never get my $$.