Guardians of the Galaxy (DS has hijacked mine, so need another for my collection)
Hello all,
After seeing the movie this weekend, DS "stole" my Guardians of the Galaxy pin acquired from speezard's July pin run...
So I'm looking for another for MY collection (I'm going to have to start hiding some of mine! Princesses are safe, but all my Tron/marvel/sci-fi ish ones he likes too...)
Prefer to trade, but will buy if reasonable (pinpics is also lynn99)
After seeing the movie this weekend, DS "stole" my Guardians of the Galaxy pin acquired from speezard's July pin run...
So I'm looking for another for MY collection (I'm going to have to start hiding some of mine! Princesses are safe, but all my Tron/marvel/sci-fi ish ones he likes too...)
Prefer to trade, but will buy if reasonable (pinpics is also lynn99)