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Completed Game: Haunted's Double Pick Game - GAME OVER

Picking next please:
22. # 124641 DS - September 2017 Park Pack - Alice Falling Version 1
22. 3 unknown Queen of Hearts
22. # 125085 DS - September 2017 Park Pack - Alice Falling Version 6 - one post is slightly bent but not wobbly


18. # 149029 New Order - Star Wars - 45th Anniversary
18. # 148996 Princess Leia - Star Wars Playing Cards - Mystery


Bonus Lot C -Hidden Mickey Smiles


Bonus Lot J -Hidden Mickey Smiles

Sorry, that's what happens when you're on your phone...

Lot T AIW cards

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Sorry, that's what happens when you're on your phone...

Lot T AIW cards

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Game is unpaused.

@sockgnome is up for making selections.

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Sorry, that's what happens when you're on your phone...

Lot T AIW cards

Sent from my moto g(7) power using Tapatalk
I have been so distracted in the past 24 hours (and doing my selections on my phone instead of using my computer) I am very surprised this didn't happen to me.
I have been so distracted in the past 24 hours (and doing my selections on my phone instead of using my computer) I am very surprised this didn't happen to me.


Ya’ll just keeping me on my toes!

Truth be told, I had just packaged the eggs up.

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