How on earth do you guys control your pin collections?
DPF Charter Member
DPF Charter Member
Hiya i was just wandering how do you guys decide which themes you collect?
When i first started collected pins i picked up the one i wanted and even some pins that i don't want just so i started to have these great pin things. Now however i want to be smarter on which pins i collect as i don't have all the money in the world to say the least and lately i've discovered these all new ways to get really cool pins but i need to tone it down but I just don’t know how to decide lol Just today i nearly wanted to start new themes just born out of one cool looking pin. So i need some advice lol
How do you choose which pins to collect as your theme?
Do you think it is even important to have a theme in your pin collection?
And what about your traders? Will you collect any pin that comes along just so you have trading power to get the pins you want or do you buy traders that you yourself would like?
I'm hoping that this will turn out to be an interesting discussion (and i can learn from you wise pin masters lol)