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ZAPPED! I almost bought my zap !!!

ZAPPED! I almost bought my zap !!!


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I am really getting old and/or tired. Today I got a package from Colorado. Huh ?? I was totally baffled, I did not remember anything. Even the name did not ring a bell.

Then I opened my package and everything came back. It is dear Hope. Yes, we traded. But the card in the bubble wrap felt big & heavy. I read the note first. My school teacher would have coined her hand writing "pearl string", so neat :) on a cute Ariel paper.

Then I saw my pins from her, an incredible zap:

It is such a lovely, solid and bright pin in person and I almost bought it last week on Ebay but didn't.

Hope, thank you so very much for everything, for the trade, for the zap and most importantly for the lovely note :) You are A.W.E.S.O.M.E !!!
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Thank you for your kind words friends :)

PP, it is not stained glass but the colors are really vibrant. I do not collect sorcerer Mickey, but I am trying to finish the pyschedelic square series.