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ZAPPED! I almost bought my zap !!!

ZAPPED! I almost bought my zap !!!


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I am really getting old and/or tired. Today I got a package from Colorado. Huh ?? I was totally baffled, I did not remember anything. Even the name did not ring a bell.

Then I opened my package and everything came back. It is dear Hope. Yes, we traded. But the card in the bubble wrap felt big & heavy. I read the note first. My school teacher would have coined her hand writing "pearl string", so neat on a cute Ariel paper.

Then I saw my pins from her, an incredible zap:

It is such a lovely, solid and bright pin in person and I almost bought it last week on Ebay but didn't.

Hope, thank you so very much for everything, for the trade, for the zap and most importantly for the lovely note You are A.W.E.S.O.M.E !!!
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Thank you for your kind words friends

PP, it is not stained glass but the colors are really vibrant. I do not collect sorcerer Mickey, but I am trying to finish the pyschedelic square series.