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I am so done with Pinpics trading

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I am so done with Pinpics trading


Crazy for Disney Pins
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Riverside, CA
I don't like drama but here I am starting some. I am so frustrated and done with Pinpics trading. When I make a trade with someone, I go out of my way to get my pins in the mail right away. I think it's the right thing to do. I recently made a couple of trades and after a week, I really thought my package should have arrived. I contacted the person and she hadn't even mailed them yet. She said she was sick. I understand things like that but a quick message to me would have been nice. I still don't know if they are mailed.

I got a message yesterday in regards to another trade. They mailed my package. This trade was from the prior week. I know people are busy but it seems like the attitude is "Ho Hum, I will mail these when I get around to it". Am I expecting too much? What are your thoughts?

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Hi Susie,Thats too bad,are they"NEW"to pin trading?Maybe they were waiting for yours to arrive and then send the ones owed to you out,NOT saying they did,but you mighyt be new to them!I have had that happen several times,even after they checked refs on here and the ref center.Do you know if they added USPS tracking?if so,get the # from them.I hope it workls out OK for you.
Things like this do get frustrating. No, I don't think it's too much to ask at all. Our pins are special and valuable to us and sending them out like that through trusting the other is a big deal. Plus you went out of your way to take care of it right away! I can understand why someone would get anxious waiting for theirs to arrive. Maybe when you make a trade communicate the shipping agreement with them? Make it clear to them that shipping should be done at same time (if applicable). Hope this helps!
Hi Judy. I am not sure if they are new but these are not the only bad experiences I have had with Pinpics. It almost seems like Pinpics people are a different breed of trader than what's on the Forum.
I don't think that's too much to ask. I normally mail mine out right away and I find most others do too. When you're trading with someone you haven't met, it's just courteous so as to not make people wait and get nervous on whether they will ever get them.
That's too bad :-(. the sick person is understandable, but he/she should have sent an email regarding the delay. The other person's attitude should not be tolerated! In fact, if you don't mind sending me a PM as to who it is...I may not want to trade with such a blasé person. I think pins should be mailed by each trader at the same time. Thank you
It seems to be the same no matter where I trade. Some good traders, some shady ones. For anyone who's traded with me, they can tell you, I'm all about the details. I say what day I'll mail, with tracking, ect. I expect to hear the same from the other trader (doesn't have to be the same day, just a set date). Try to get details before mailing. Of course, that doesn't mean the other trader is going to stick to it. But, you have that information in case you need it later on.

I have noticed that more traders are waiting to send their pins, after they receive mine. I'm getting lots of excuses. Tho, the most common lately is, "Oh, I had your address wrong, it came back". I try to get a tracking # to see if that was the case and gee, there wasn't any. Funny tho, as they mail their pins to me the day they receive mine. I make notes...lol

Sue, it's just par for the course. I'm not making excuses for these rude traders, but it comes and goes. Just make notes on who pulls these stunts and don't trade with them again. More than likely most of them don't stay in the hobby any way.
What I've been doing lately with online trades, PP or otherwise, is asking that we each mail around the same time, and that we each use tracking. I then send the tracking #, and ask for them to send mine. If I don't hear back within 24 h, I email again. Pay Pal will let you cancel labels up to 48 h after generating. This seems to help, but there are still folks who make labels and then forget or misplace the parcel (sigh). Usually this is just a temporary situation.
Thanks all for confirming that "shipping right away" is the right way to do it. I was hoping it wasn't just me expecting too much. I had traded twice with the same person on Pinpics and both times he forgot to mail my pins. Needless to say, I won't trade with him anymore.
you are so right, I had trade like that too, it seems like these people really dont care, I had package come 3 weeks after she RECIEVED my pin. when i wrote her she said she would never cheat anyone of their pin. SHE ACTUALLY PURCHASED THE PIN AFTER SHE GOT MINE so, SHE IS NOW ON MY DO NOT TRADE LIST. yes, i received my pin, but would you trade with a trader like this.
No. I would not trade with a person like this. I told myself I would never trade through Pinpics but I resorted to it because I send tons of trade requests here on the Forum and became so discouraged by how many go unanswered. I am not always asking for big LE pins either. I enjoy trading the smaller pins but even then no responses. I am actually to the point that I just don't want to ask anymore.

I have one to tell you about, my nephew made a trade on pinpics, the trader sent him the trade, but it was dammaged very badly chips and gouges, my nephew tod himand trader agreed for him to pick another pin out, he did, and sent the dammaged pin back to the trader. lucky he added tracking because the trader said he did not get it, at least he should have sent the replacement. It's driving me nuts and its not my trade. I asked for the receipt and I tracked it, it showed delivered! My nephew sent him the tracking number and prooved it was delivered. the trader still has not sent the replacement, WHAT! I feel terrible for my nephew, it seems newbies are being taken advantage of because my niece as well has had lots of problems, it's very disapointing, Oh back to that trade, the trader said mabey it was deivered to his cabin this is such B.S he is stalling, and refusing to send the replacment, even though there is proof he got it! UGH!
I think it's not just with pinpics. Everyone in general has let their shipping manners go the wayside. I deal in golf clubs a lot and even there people are kind of lazy or non-chalant about timing. I just did a pin auction on here and I have already mailed my pin and sent delivery conf. # but the other person has yet to even respond. I'm sure they are good for it, it is around a $100 pin, but at least let me know you're running late.
This all makes me sad I understand why people are hesitant to trade with someone like me, who is new to online trading with few references....burned so many times
How frustrating. I just can't understand how people can cheat others all over a pin. It bothers me to think that there are that many shady traders out there. It sucks the fun out of it. I sure hope your nephew gets his pin.

Oh my! I would be pretty annoyed at this. A $100 pin is a big deal and your person should be on top of things. I hope things work out ok.

I know how you feel. Tiggermickey was my first trade on the Forum. She was kind enough to trade with me even though I had no references.

This all makes me sad I understand why people are hesitant to trade with someone like me, who is new to online trading with few references....burned so many times
you are welcome ,how are ppl suppose to get refs if they do not trade??? I would even do mystery trades to help others out
Men dont give up a seat to a woman or child on a bus (happened in WDW this month), people dont say please to waiteers hell they dont even stop talking when the waiter is at a table, if people cut you off they dont say sorry, children trash a restaurant floor and the parents just leave it....i can go on and on ITS CALLED MANNERS and they are not being taught nor enforced because parents are working and they are too tired (maybe dont have kids) and alot is people dont use the mail anymore, they are so used to everything at the touch of a button that the habit of going to the post office has gone the way of the ICE WAGON (yes that was a thing)
susiesue i am looking at your traders now...xo

wow that was a mini rant huh? lol:sad:
I guess I fall on the other spectrum of all of this. I really don't mind when I get the pin and I really don't mind if they don't purchase tracking for it. I have made trades here that have taken about 3 months to receive my one pin and I really don't mind because in the end the pin came in. I guess I see the glass half full when it comes to pin trading. I trust most here and if the trade takes a long time or communication is minimal I am okay with that to as long as the pin comes in eventually. So in short no biggie for me.
I know what you mean about manners and even proper etiquette. People have no shame anymore. It's sad and disheartening. If someone hands me too much change at the store, I hand it back to them. I wonder how many just keep it feeling like they just scored some extra money?

Hi Angel. You are the exception to the rule and I'm glad that works out for you. Having trust in people is a good thing and I do try to give traders a chance but when you get burned, it makes it harder and harder to trust. To me, having to wait 3 months to get a pin is crazy. If it was agreed upon ahead of time, that is something different. I have always been one of those "need to please" type of people. I bend over backwards to meet my commitments. I am very punctual because I hate keeping people waiting. That's just me I guess. You are more laid back which can be a good thing. You probably don't stress very easily...lol.

personal opinion... I like to get my pins out in the mail within 48 hours, but I am very understanding about life, crap and even not having a reliable post office nearby. Life does happen, kids get sick, postal workers are lazy (like mine, he wont TAKE outgoing LBE's can you believe that?!?!?) With that being said, I dont get worried unless it has been more that 7 business days since the trade agreement was set up, with no tracking info emailed to me.

international is a whole other kettle or biscuits. For international, paypal shipnow still does not offer the basic first class international, so I HAVE to go to the post office. I TRY to ship withing 1 week of set up, and it takes 7-10 days for delivery. The trip to the post office has to be arranged for me around kids, & which of us has the car for the day. I am very unconcerned if an international trade agreement takes some time for the person to ship, because I know it can take some time for me. Life does get in the way.

Bottom line, I dont get frustrated with a trade taking some time unless the person doesnt communicate with me. If they are letting you know whats going on, 1 week is not a big deal.
Since I got burned on a trade in Jan of this year, I really do want tracking used, so I "can track" pkg I always use tracking on the pins I mail out. I just had a problem with a trade. Part of it might have been (mis)- communication, but it ended badly. Bottom line, I'm hoping I get my pins back. If anyone wants to know more, pls send me a PM.
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