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ZAPPED! I got zapped too!!

ZAPPED! I got zapped too!!


DPF Charter Member
DPF Charter Member
Rating - 100%
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By Hope (hopemax), with this lovely pin:


It has the *perfect* message for me these days! I haven't had much time to spend on pins lately, as I am trudging through an interim/summer class. It meets for hours at a time because it's shorter duration in the summer and most days I come back and just lie on the floor while my kids hammer me with questions and long stories about all the wrong-doing and injustice that they wrought upon each other while I was gone. One son has a broken foot, so crutches and lots of boredom and most days I feel like I am just inching my way up a hill that will never end. This amazing gift was SO unexpected and so wonderful, like a huge gust of fresh air. I just love it!! :) What a wonderful gift!! Thank you SO much!! :) :)
