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anyone else get this email offering pin trading night items as an RSP? :: And now for an exciting new development! Dreamfinder has sparked a few new Pin and Vinylmation creations and will be offering them as part of a newly imagined RSP! These trading night items will be sold through a completely separate RSP and can be viewed by clicking here or at Both Pin and Vinylmation event attendees are able to submit an RSP for any or all of these four items. But act quickly, as this RSP is also due by 11:59 PM (ET) on July 27, 2014. To enter your RSP choices for the trading night items please click here or visit Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. We may be reached via phone at (407) 827-7600 or email at Disney Events PO Box 10345 Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830 407.827.7600 (phone) 407.566.1387 (fax) : Do you think that means PTNs are done for? very sad! Janet
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Eeps! Simba PTN pin!

If anyone has room for it on their RSP form, could you please consider getting it for me? I would realy appreciate it. Can send payment in advance (if the RSP is confirmed).
I wonder if they decided to add these as a replacement for the removed Tear set. Do they usually add last minute pins for the events like this?
in years past, they have had a PTN on the Thursday before the event with new PTN pins available for purchase. I think that they are just giving us notice ahead of time. I doubt (and hope) it is not an ominous sign that PTNs are ending.
To timeerkat..I should be able to get you a LK PTN..I can LYK as soon as I receive confirmation of my RSP.
If anyone doesn't want the vinylmations (both of them), would you put them on the RSP for me?

Thanks so much! :)
Really?!! They took our PTN pins and gave them to the Gala event.

Of all pins, Simba. Geesh. If anyone will have an extra of Simba, please let me know.
I just glanced at the email and didn't scroll down as I though it was a reminder and I had already submitted...

I submitted for both DH and I so hopefully I'll have an extra one for trade
Janet, I don't know if this means the end of Disney Trading Nights completely but, it DOES mean there won't be another one before the Event.

They will probably try to have, at least, one more Disney Trading Night in WDW this year to sell the remaining 2 PTN pins made for this year. After that, who knows??? TTFN, Sue

P.S. - Did you notice that Disney increased the price of the PTN Pins and the Vinylmations by a dollar??
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I would love a Simba PTN if anyone has an extra. i can pay you as soon as you need. Thank you in advance.
I think the PTNs will end at some point. A cast member told my mom that the guy who is in charge of setting them up is getting tired of all the troubles that comes with them and really doesn't want to do them anymore. I would too if I had someone yelling at me for something I could not control like the amount of people allowed into the building because of the fire code. Some of the people at these things need to take a chill pill and calm down. The Cast Members are doing the best that they can and there are somethings they just can't control so there is no point in yelling at people.
If you didn't submit the RSP for this set, I just called and they gave me until 4 PM to send an e-mail requesting with the order, reg. code, etc. I collect Stitch as Yoda, but if I get the Simba as well, it will be for trade!
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