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Is This Real?

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Hmm looking at all three images and looking at the pin on pinpics, Id say the 3rd one you linked to is the non-chaser judging by the colouring of the pin, so Id say the first and third linked pins are the non-chaser as the first one is from a different seller and the 2nd and 3rd are from the same seller (who looks to have both the normal and chaser pin)
Hmm looking at all three images and looking at the pin on pinpics, Id say the 3rd one you linked to is the non-chaser judging by the colouring of the pin, so Id say the first and third linked pins are the non-chaser as the first one is from a different seller and the 2nd and 3rd are from the same seller (who looks to have both the normal and chaser pin)

So there are multiple versions of the non-chaser pins?
I think what Danny was trying to say that the 1st and 3rd links are the same pin, but since the pictures have been taken by different people in different settings, the pin appears different because of different lighting and stuff.
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