Is this right for this pin ?

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Thanks i just dont know what to do with it i would like to know what i would get as a trade for it but with it being a rare error not sure if want to keep or trade or even contact disney store and inform them of this error

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Yeah it is a tough decision, you could ask what people would want for it. As it is Rapunzel there is bound to be a completest that wants it badly. If I were you I would keep it, if you inform disney store they could want it back so then you would lose the pin. It is entirely your choice though :)
The one Rapunzel pin (same as you) that I got with that backing (From DLP) was more pink than purple. The ones from the Disney Parks in the US are more purple than pink.
If you call Disney store they will give you a new pin and tell you to donate the error pin to charity I had this happen with a stich pin I bought.They will not ask you to send the error pin back.
On pinpics its purple not pink

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Pin Pics seems to be showing the concept art, not the actual pin. Concept art does not always reflect the final version that is produced. If you look on ebay, there appear to be just as many people who have a purple one as have a pink one. As starry_solo commented, it seems there are color differences between the WDW/DL and DLP versions.
I see a few with the same variations on ebay, most likely just a location difference.

Good luck!
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