Japan Disney Pins
Buongiorno everyone:wavey:
I have a question about pins from Japan, if anyone even knows....I know they used to have those Japan Mall pins and things like that and I was wondering if they still sell pins in Japan (besides at the disney resort there) and if anyone knows where at. My dad is a pilot and goes there on trips often and was just wondering if they had them where he went and whay kinds of places sold them there. If anyone knows about that the info would be very much appreciated! :bowdown:
I have a question about pins from Japan, if anyone even knows....I know they used to have those Japan Mall pins and things like that and I was wondering if they still sell pins in Japan (besides at the disney resort there) and if anyone knows where at. My dad is a pilot and goes there on trips often and was just wondering if they had them where he went and whay kinds of places sold them there. If anyone knows about that the info would be very much appreciated! :bowdown: