Limited Edition 17" Collector Dolls Information
Elsa is still available as of 3:22 AM, so she's lasted longer than the DFDC Ariel set, which I think had an incredibly fast sell out time. Ariel lasted for quite some time as a pre-order. Given that the USA site was allotted more dolls this time than the first Frozen set, I am going to guess she's going to last at least a few hours.
hmm, yikes, a few hours is still fast...
do you think they'll save some for march? or are they all up for preorders?
Lol I checked my account and they took out $1.00 lol XD
Success!!! I managed to get my bestie her Elsa and my mom Elsa and Anna!!! I even managed to successfully switch between both mine and my friend's Disney Store and ebates accounts in between orders, apply free shipping, and get myself a Couture de Force Rapunzel while getting my mom dolls =D (Which I shall pay my mom back for later) Now I must go and pass out due to medication so that I can wake up in time to get to my store in the morning and get my dolls!
my wife got her confirmation email for her order but i havent gotten mine does that mean there is a problem????
It took me 25 minutes, and several checkouts and I think I finally got them!
I was so worried because I'd get that rolling mickey logo for minutes and minutes and nothing would ever change! Then suddenly Bam!! It showed the receipt page!!
Fingers crossed that my order won't be cancelled. This is the first set that my princess-hating sister has begged for...
LOLGee golly Twilight, that's not very much! 3LOl
Lol I checked my account and they took out $1.00 lol XD
Elsa sold out...
Elsa sold out...
Good to hear!!!! I was beginning to get worried when I didn't see you post!! lol Good night !!