Limited Edition 17" Collector Dolls Information
Site is updated on my end. No doll.But, hey yeah for my bank account!!!
If this was directed towards me, I'm sorry if I seem like a scalper to anyone. I'm not going to play an excuse cards in why I only have two posts, other than that I never really know what to say but I lurk all the time. Sorry if that makes me seem like a scalper :/ I do come here to wait for links, and I do learn a lot from reading through these threads. I don't know what else to say, honestly, but I don't sell my dolls and just because I'm not vocal on the forums doesn't mean I'm a scalper. Sorry if this upsets anyone :/
If this was directed towards me, I'm sorry if I seem like a scalper to anyone. I'm not going to play an excuse cards in why I only have two posts, other than that I never really know what to say but I lurk all the time. Sorry if that makes me seem like a scalper :/ I do come here to wait for links, and I do learn a lot from reading through these threads. I don't know what else to say, honestly, but I don't sell my dolls and just because I'm not vocal on the forums doesn't mean I'm a scalper. Sorry if this upsets anyone :/
Oh no no - we mean the actual guests who aren't registered members! There are plenty of people here who aren't active - look at me! I've been a member since 2011 and I have a fraction of the posts that some people who only recently joined have!
Don't worry, I'm a lurker toomy bum was not directed at you!
Okay! I'm really sorry, I thought that everyone was giving me glares through the computer because I seem suspicious ^^' I'm really sorry!!
No need to apologizeI lurked on here a long time before I got into it - and now I just kinda vanish during off season when there aren't any releases.
Yeah, lol... 22 guests = 22 scalpers preying off the real collectors. ;P
My apologies as I did not mean any offence nor disrespect I just thought it was funny that all this information was coming out closer to the release date which obviously is making people panic more. Also information like that is usually released to build up more hype because people then start to get the mentality that 500 dolls is a very low number hence will panic buy. So I do apologise as the LOL was not intended for you. Also I just wanted to clear things up because whilst you may not have been confused your original post did sound confusing as this was raised in the past about the number of dolls being released across the whole of Europe and I didnt want people to read your post thinking that each country's online store was getting 500 dolls each as that would have been misleading.