DSF/DSSH Live from Hollywood - Circus Poster release

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B) The wristbands were given out 12 hours early?

Technically, no mention of wristbands were in this version of the rules. Only mention of vouchers being handed out are in the stated rules. The wristband dispersal could fall under the blanket statement of being in the interest of safety. It's a good move and is in the interest of safety, as it puts a fairly large damper on those who would attempt to line cut and potentially cause fights.

I still question the reluctance to raise LE sizes on those characters that are sure thing high volume sellers.

I will close with an appreciation for recognizing that the potential for conflict could have arisen and proactive action, in the form of wristbands, was taken to thwart it. Good job, DSF.
For those of you who went to this release...I'm curious.

What time did you get in line and what number did you end up getting on your wristband/voucher?
And if you ended up with #150-200, what did you end up getting, if anything at all?
Technically, no mention of wristbands were in this version of the rules. Only mention of vouchers being handed out are in the stated rules. The wristband dispersal could fall under the blanket statement of being in the interest of safety. It's a good move and is in the interest of safety, as it puts a fairly large damper on those who would attempt to line cut and potentially cause fights.

I still question the reluctance to raise LE sizes on those characters that are sure thing high volume sellers.

I will close with an appreciation for recognizing that the potential for conflict could have arisen and proactive action, in the form of wristbands, was taken to thwart it. Good job, DSF.

I agree, but they need better communication. If they are going to do that, at least announce it on facebook to save some people a trip down there. But they arent going to be decent and save people a trip because they want the foot traffic. They need a PR person seriously. In their release information, it states ALL people in line at 8am will draw a ticket for a voucher from a box of 200 tickets. ALL PEOPLE. They cant be so blind to realize there is going to be more than 200 people there. It makes sense to add enough tickets for the number of people in line... thus NO CAMPOUT required at all. They are already handing out 50 more tickets than they have pins so what is 100 more? They also need to add a disclaimer to all thier facebook posts. No where does it say the rules can change at any time blah blah blah. Any company that wants to protect itself has a disclaimer. I gave them a pass as they tried to figure out how to deal with their success, but they need to hire someone or talk with someone at Disney with experience and let them make these decisions. They have proved they dont have a understanding of the demand nor how to handle it.
Are we suprised dsf didnt follow there rules again??

Thats why we always have people going 12 plus hours early to camp..
Untill they start following there rules this will keep happening..
Sorry to anyone who missed it...
Dis like that they can change whatever whenever..
Dosnt seem fair..i got mine..but still

Dsf is getting old!!!!!
They really are doing their best. They keep trying to change the rules to help with the chaos. It's not them, it's everyone that's not following the rules set up by DSF. If people followed the rules given out there wouldnt be all this chaos and stuff. Don't blame Disney for everything. It is not their job to cater to everyone's whim and fancy and have to hire people for all hours of the night to watch and make sure people ( who by free choice) choose to camp out through the middle of the night. They wish to do that that's their business but don't blame Disney and say its their job to always have someone on watch and update everyone ever second there is a change. That's not their job, they have enough on their plate. Please be nicer to the DSF employees. I'm pretty sure you wouldnt like it if you were constantly getting yelled at or hurried or bullied while you are at WORK over someone else's hobby. Please realize a lot of the employees there do not pin trade. They are there because it is there job. Thank you.
I agree, but they need better communication. If they are going to do that, at least announce it on facebook to save some people a trip down there. But they arent going to be decent and save people a trip because they want the foot traffic. They need a PR person seriously. In their release information, it states ALL people in line at 8am will draw a ticket for a voucher from a box of 200 tickets. ALL PEOPLE. They cant be so blind to realize there is going to be more than 200 people there. It makes sense to add enough tickets for the number of people in line... thus NO CAMPOUT required at all. They are already handing out 50 more tickets than they have pins so what is 100 more? They also need to add a disclaimer to all thier facebook posts. No where does it say the rules can change at any time blah blah blah. Any company that wants to protect itself has a disclaimer. I gave them a pass as they tried to figure out how to deal with their success, but they need to hire someone or talk with someone at Disney with experience and let them make these decisions. They have proved they dont have a understanding of the demand nor how to handle it.

I think there tends to be some misinterpretation of the rules, so maybe the communication needs to be better. But short of hiring a contract lawyer, I don't know what they are supposed to do. I found the rules to be clear, myself, and knew they were talking about all people in line drawing from a lot of 200 chances. Once they got to 200, the vouchers were gone. You saw the rule as something else.

I do agree that they must know, by now, that over 200 have shown up for the last several releases and they need to expand to a full lottery of at least 500 chances or increase the edition sizes on known good sellers.

It is painfully obvious that DSF is not good at crowd control and seemingly have tried everything that an experienced crowd control professional would have written off as unsuccessful, due to prior experience. I would add that Nelson seems to know how to do his job, but it appears as if his employers hobble him and don't take his suggestions under advisement.

I agree that DSF needs to stop flip flopping on the rules, but it is the singular thing upon which we can say for certain is going to happen.

If the LE sizes are not going to be adjusted, then a full blown lottery needs to occur. Most of the tools are already available to handle a lottery system. Facebook is available for the announcement of winning numbers. All they need to figure out is the ticket or numbered wristband distribution.

If I was running the store and this was a huge profit item for me, I'd be tweaking the LE sizes and trying to make more money and more happy customers. Running it the way it is now only limits my ability to increase sales and makes an ever growing customer base unhappy. I'd want more sales and more happy, repeat customers. I shouldn't be concerned with LE sizes, as a business.
They really are doing their best. They keep trying to change the rules to help with the chaos. It's not them, it's everyone that's not following the rules set up by DSF. If people followed the rules given out there wouldnt be all this chaos and stuff. Don't blame Disney for everything. It is not their job to cater to everyone's whim and fancy and have to hire people for all hours of the night to watch and make sure people ( who by free choice) choose to camp out through the middle of the night. They wish to do that that's their business but don't blame Disney and say its their job to always have someone on watch and update everyone ever second there is a change. That's not their job, they have enough on their plate. Please be nicer to the DSF employees. I'm pretty sure you wouldnt like it if you were constantly getting yelled at or hurried or bullied while you are at WORK over someone else's hobby. Please realize a lot of the employees there do not pin trade. They are there because it is there job. Thank you.

Ugh All of this :( I feel very sorry for every DSF employee who has to deal with traders :(
They really are doing their best. They keep trying to change the rules to help with the chaos. It's not them, it's everyone that's not following the rules set up by DSF. If people followed the rules given out there wouldnt be all this chaos and stuff. Don't blame Disney for everything.

i am not disagreeing that we need to be nice to CMs no matter what because that is human decency. however, you say that it's the fault of the people not following the rules... I disagree, at least partially. I posted this on my instagram last night and this sums up how I feel (taking into account not only this release but also the past few releases as well)

so what exactly is the point of posting rules and guidelines for this release if DSF weren't even gonna follow them? I hope they know that doing this over and over again really decreases how seriously we take them, and it increases all of the crappy stuff that keeps happening--people not following the rules, creating dangerous situations/stomping their feet and whining, and then DSF caving in and allowing it to happen by bending the rules to fit them. it's almost like they WANT it to be a free for all, for their customers to feel entitled by rewarding the behavior they state as against the rules, and for there to be drama and tension in the community because of the separation of "rule followers" and "rule breakers" in the pin community. grrr!! things would be much more fun and more FAIR if clear rules/guidelines that have ZERO room for interpretation were consistently followed when posted. otherwise, it's silly to even bother posting them imo.
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If DSF actually stuck to it's rules and didn't reward the people that don't follow their posted rules at every release, people wouldn't camp out and would show up when they are supposed to. I don't think they have stuck to their rules at ANY release and have let those that break the rules get rewarded while those that actually follow the rules miss out.
They really are doing their best. They keep trying to change the rules to help with the chaos. It's not them, it's everyone that's not following the rules set up by DSF. If people followed the rules given out there wouldnt be all this chaos and stuff. Don't blame Disney for everything. It is not their job to cater to everyone's whim and fancy and have to hire people for all hours of the night to watch and make sure people ( who by free choice) choose to camp out through the middle of the night. They wish to do that that's their business but don't blame Disney and say its their job to always have someone on watch and update everyone ever second there is a change. That's not their job, they have enough on their plate. Please be nicer to the DSF employees. I'm pretty sure you wouldnt like it if you were constantly getting yelled at or hurried or bullied while you are at WORK over someone else's hobby. Please realize a lot of the employees there do not pin trade. They are there because it is there job. Thank you.

People are adaptable and will always find ways to gain an advantage. Especially for a low LE pin set with high sales or trade value. Maybe it isn't fair to bash the entire DSF staff, but management is surely fair game, since they have yet to figure out a simple plan to stop the lines which they clearly want/don't want. That line/no line is one of the glaring issues of which most of us can't figure out what they want/don't want.

If they don't want lines or people cheating the system, then why create rules that simply and absolutely encourage lines and rule bending? You can't have it both ways and people have made several lottery type suggestions that would work and have worked for other organizations. Those suggestions sometimes get a half baked attempt, but their setup always seems to make the lines and rule bending worse with each rule change. Either allow the lines or go with a system where lines are completely fruitless. Hybrid systems don't work.

The regular DSF employees shouldn't be blamed or beat up for the action or non actions of their management. I'm sure a lot of them would have had this solved by now.
I think there tends to be some misinterpretation of the rules, so maybe the communication needs to be better. But short of hiring a contract lawyer, I don't know what they are supposed to do. I found the rules to be clear, myself, and knew they were talking about all people in line drawing from a lot of 200 chances. Once they got to 200, the vouchers were gone. You saw the rule as something else.

I do agree that they must know, by now, that over 200 have shown up for the last several releases and they need to expand to a full lottery of at least 500 chances or increase the edition sizes on known good sellers.

It is painfully obvious that DSF is not good at crowd control and seemingly have tried everything that an experienced crowd control professional would have written off as unsuccessful, due to prior experience. I would add that Nelson seems to know how to do his job, but it appears as if his employers hobble him and don't take his suggestions under advisement.

I agree that DSF needs to stop flip flopping on the rules, but it is the singular thing upon which we can say for certain is going to happen.

If the LE sizes are not going to be adjusted, then a full blown lottery needs to occur. Most of the tools are already available to handle a lottery system. Facebook is available for the announcement of winning numbers. All they need to figure out is the ticket or numbered wristband distribution.

If I was running the store and this was a huge profit item for me, I'd be tweaking the LE sizes and trying to make more money and more happy customers. Running it the way it is now only limits my ability to increase sales and makes an ever growing customer base unhappy. I'd want more sales and more happy, repeat customers. I shouldn't be concerned with LE sizes, as a business.

I understood the rules the same as you did, and realized their bad judgement and didnt bother going this morning. Its the use of the word "ALL". That says to me, they thought 200 tickets would easily cover the demand. Sounds like there were at least 300 people there this morning. 50% more than they anticipated. They are headed in the right direction, they just need to go the distance. Do a full out lottery in the morning. No campouts. Everyone gets a shot. They get the foot traffic they want. All the employees are wonderful. I give them soo much respect for dealing with us. We make their job harder than it has to be. I never call. I dont complain to management. I vent here. They have enough people in their ear that they dont need another one. But as a management group they need to take charge. For the Iron Man release, they had the police read through the rules to determine their interpretation. They wanted the police to make the call. Thats not their job, they didnt write it. I'd love to hear how it went from the perspective of someone that went and got the pins, someone that went at 8am to find out the wristbands were gone by 11pm, and someone that went and was 150+ with nada.

Ok. We interpreted the rule the same and were both confused as to why they didn't go with a full lottery versus a limited lottery. 200 was a weird number and the only thing I could come up with was that they didn't want to disappoint more than 25% of the people who drew vouchers? They get more than 200 people at each release now. That points to being completely out of touch with your customer base or they have some mean streak and are trying to piss off their customers so they will go away and not bother them anymore.

They need to go with a lottery full throttle. Have 500 chances available, to stop the lines. Then they only need to worry about how people will try to cheat that system, but there wouldn't be any lines. Ideally, they would just have you submit a name or hand out numbered tickets. Call out the names or numbers and post them on Facebook. Then they would ideally only have to deal with people there to buy pins, which should be 150 people; not 300 to 400.

To your initial idea of them needing to seek help, I wholeheartedly agree.

They get more than 200 people at each release now. That points to being completely out of touch with your customer base or they have some mean streak and are trying to piss off their customers so they will go away and not bother them anymore.
Constantly changing the rules and the craziness of each release has made me stop going to DSF, I was a long time customer before it became a campsite. DS.com not releasing pins anymore and the park raising it's prices (which they are doing AGAIN tomorrow) to out of my reach have saved me a TON of money this past year!
Maybe DSF should make every pin a Surprise Release, post it on Facebook the day of the release, so the first 150 people who get there are the lucky ones, no camping out, wrist bands or lottery needed. This may not be the best idea either but I think it would give EVERYONE a fair chance of getting the pins. Just a thought.
Constantly changing the rules and the craziness of each release has made me stop going to DSF, I was a long time customer before it became a campsite. DS.com not releasing pins anymore and the park raising it's prices (which they are doing AGAIN tomorrow) to out of my reach have saved me a TON of money this past year!

As a working stiff, with a homemaker wife, the rising popularity of DSF has managed to cut me out of the equation, but my wife is still able to go. So I guess I've only managed to save 50% by my inability to go to DSF and get pins.

My wife, her peers, and retired friends, are just as fed up with the DSF circus, but they all love pins and pin people more than DSF has managed to inconvenience them. I'm pretty sure a majority of them would now prefer a lottery over the current system of not knowing whether or not they will have to camp to get pins. They've seen people follow the posted rules and get nothing, so they all know that camping is the only way to get pins on a somewhat consistent basis. But camping is expensive and it's killing everyone's pocketbook. It seems the only winners are those who cannot go, because they have jobs and zero chance at getting there before the pin line forms and is done.
I personally do not blame the employees..and have never yelled at them .
I do blame the higer ups..who in all fairness get paid a ton more a year to listen to us..the customer.

They should know by now how dsf pins have taken off..every relese seems to have 300 people show up..

Something has to give..and if they followed they own rules ( and they dont..havnt for years) you wouldnt have panic.
Everyone would know those r the rules and they stand..but they have shown everyone if u cone early and qait thats the only way to make sure u get urs..

They need a new system..i do see they r tring different things..and thats great..

But why not higer les for hot pins..they did it for the forth pof july pins..

Or if they want to do a random pull..give everyone the same shot..not if u r the first 200 and go early..
Then u get a chance for pins..if they did tickets..and made it like a raffel..

If u get picked wonderful..if not u dont have 14 plus hours invested...
Maybe DSF should make every pin a Surprise Release, post it on Facebook the day of the release, so the first 150 people who get there are the lucky ones, no camping out, wrist bands or lottery needed. This may not be the best idea either but I think it would give EVERYONE a fair chance of getting the pins. Just a thought.

While a good idea, in theory, it has proven to be beneficial to those in either close proximity to DSF or those who don't work or have very flexible schedules. The PTD pins are basically surprise pins and it still can be a bit stressful when a popular character is released and one already has prior obligations.

Planned releases allow folks to adjust schedules for chance at desired pins and works better for pin sets, in my opinion.
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