Looking for ANY error pin in this series

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Looking for ANY error pin in this series


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New York
Hey all,

I'm looking for ANY error pin from this series. Errors include:

-Wrong Date
-Wrong Colored Border
-Poster Upside Down

Please let me know which error posters you have, and we can figure out a trade. Check your pins closely! Errors in this series are very easy to come buy, and they slip by most of the time un-noticed.


Errors I know exist but I am still looking for:
-Pin 10087 (Error shows year as 1946 instead of 1945)
-Pin 11174 (Error shows year as 1949 instead of 1961)
-Pin 11176 (Error shows year 1949 instead of 1951)
-Pin 7935 (Error has poster upside down in frame)

Thanks all!
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good luck ive been after the rescuers one for 2 years. i havent even come across it at any events.hope you have better luck.

I actually have TWO of the rescuers one, both a different year, and I love them both! Too bad there's not a "real" rescuers pins. That would be neat too. If I come across another, I'll let you know.

I've been looking for the Dalmatian one for several years as well. Good luck

That Dalmatian error is a dastardly pin it be!
hehe, I went and looked at mine and I have one. The Three Caballeros - date Error. it says 19 43 instead of 19 45. Let me know if you want it.

Ooooh, thanks for looking! I actually have both 1943, and 1945. I'm still looking for 1946 though! If you see that one, let me know. :)
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