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SOLD! Looking for my first lanyard

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SOLD! Looking for my first lanyard


No Disney Character Left Behind Proclaimer
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I'm considering taking a couple of pins to see if I have the courage to go up to cast members to trade while on vacation this summer. Figure it won't hurt to at least take a few in my backpack just in case, but now I need a lanyard. I've seen some that have a black string, how do those work? I feel like they're not as sturdy? Anybody have some for sale or trade? I'd be happy to check them out.

The ones with the string-like cord rather than the typical strap-style don't look like they'd be good for pins. Shame, as some of the good medal designs have them. Here's some on PinPics: http://www.pinpics.com/search.php?keyw=lanyard&classes=4

Someone who's used them can give a better idea of how suitable they are for pins.
The string ones are not usable for pins - cast members can get those, but they are not for sale normally.

Most people use the ribbon style lanyards (same kind you'd put a badge holder or something on). They have tons (with and without pins) on them for sale in the parks. Or you could get plain ones from staples/etc. Or people get very fancy custom ones made (or make themselves).

Here's an example from the disney store...
The "black string" ones are bolo lanyards, where a character medallion is attached to black cord. They are meant to attach a cast id onto the clip at the end, and are not designed to hold pins. (I suppose if the cord is wide enough you could display one line of pins down it, but I personally would not trust that style of lanyard for pins).

I would suggest using the traditional flat ribbon-type lanyard. Those are thick and string enough to support pins being attached.
I have an extra one of the DL 60th lanyards if you'd like to trade.

I got it because of that extra area in the middle that you can display pins, but have found that lanyards just don't really work with my er... body type.
I have an extra one of the DL 60th lanyards if you'd like to trade.

I got it because of that extra area in the middle that you can display pins, but have found that lanyards just don't really work with my er... body type.

That's a pretty one. Love the pattern on the ribbon. The diamond display is an excellent idea too.

Do it! Do it! Cast members are the easiest people to trade with, IMHO. I expect them to be happy and helpful, and they always are. It's much harder for me to try and approach another guest wearing a lanyard.

Which park are you going to? Also, I have seen ribbon lanyards at various dollar stores, if cost is an issue.
They sold the ribbon lanyard @ the CVS & Walgreens at S.Harbor at DLR for about $3.99 when we were there in March 2017.
You should take a few pins with you to trade with cast members. It is a great way to meet people and lots of fun. You never know what may be on a lanyard.
We're planning to visit all 4 parks and are super excited! I'm not too hopeful about finding any treasures in trade as I can't really distinguish between games or the real deal but my plan will be to trade for fun and to meet some cast members...although it makes me nervous as heck!

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You'll have a great time! And if you have in mind what the most current hidden mickey series are, then you at least know of some pins that are likely going to be legit and can focus on hunting those down. Pin trading was always such a quintessential park experience for me and my family, and the Disney cast members do are fantastic at their jobs. Be warned though, you may become addicted to park trading as so many of us have. :lol:
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