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Maleficent 2014 Merchandise

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Can't wait for this! I have a few pieces from the original MAC Villains line and love them. Hope they release swatches and stock photos soon :x:
Wow a lot of posts started coming on here after the new trailer came up! Its pretty clear that a lot of you are split by the new trailer. Personally, I liked what I seen to an extent. I think Angelina Jolie still looks stunning as Maleficent and the art direction is incredible so far (As to be expected from the art director of films like Avatar). But I am afraid that they are going to make her sympathetic. Maleficent is my favorite Disney villain, and I want her to STAY evil. I don't mind if they make her back story sort of sympathetic so long as she goes all out when she turns evil with no apologies or regrets, as the summary for the film says that a "betrayal" turns her pure heart to stone apparently. Personally I think the scenes with her interacting with Aurora are just her toying with her and making her think she is her friend (I mean we see her CURSE her as a baby in the trailer). Plus, I think the lighter tone in the trailer was because it was aired on the Disney Channel AND had one of Disney Channel's narrators narrating the trailer while the darker teaser was aired online. I am still excited as I possibly can be for the movie and trying my hardest to be optimistic about it. The movie has a lot of talent behind it, and Disney knows how big of a deal this is, so we can only hope it is wonderful. Regardless, I am SO getting a doll of Angelina as Maleficent once they become available X3.

If that is true...oh dear god...I am going to be mad -_-. Though I do kind of expect King Stefan to be some sort of bad guy too seeing she has such a great interest in his daughter and he is supposed to be a big part of the story.
If it is true then I will be disappointed, but I'm hoping it's not!. Iv rewatched the trailer and like it more than I did at first, Jolie looks amazing and the film looks beautiful and I think it will be good. I'm not expecting it to be completely true to the animated film but I just hope she is evil. I don't mind if she starts out good and gets evil as long as she is evil in parts.I am very excited though.
Possible SPOILERS below. None of what I'm talking about has been confirmed, all speculation, but read at own risk.

Ohmigawd if she ends up being good, they are going to ruin everything that was ever amazing about Maleficent. Honestly there's no way they could do that! In the newer trailer she does seem a bit protective of Aurora, so this makes me worry that they're going to destroy Maleficent. Why would they even do that?

*deep breath* Okay I'll reserve judgement until I've actually seen the movie. Maybe I'll even like her not evil...
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Spoiler Alert: I have not read any spoilers, trying not to , but what has been posted here almost sounds like she will be shown as misunderstood like the Wicked Witch in Wicked, so she will still do evil things but there is a reason.
Spoiler Alert: I have not read any spoilers, trying not to , but what has been posted here almost sounds like she will be shown as misunderstood like the Wicked Witch in Wicked, so she will still do evil things but there is a reason.

I gotta say that I do really like Wicked. But I have noticed that far too many stories and people are trying to take that formula used in Wicked and make every other villain sympathetic. Yeah sure it really does work for a few, but it doesn't need to be done for every other villain out there. Some villains are evil to be evil, and it should stay like that. Maleficent is one of them. Granted, if she has a sad background, then that is fine. I just don't want her back story to make her look like she is being misunderstood or has a good reason for what she is doing and make someone like King Stefan look like the real villain.
I'm not an Angelina Jolie fan yet I am extremely excited for Maleficent. I think it has potential. I would love 17" dolls (and holy whoa that Hot Toys Maleficent!) but know they are not in my budget. What I want are shirts, 12" dolls, and pins. I'm hoping they have lots of new Sleeping Beauty stuff as well since the Diamond Edition is out this year!
Anyone see the new trailer that aired during the Grammys? It honestly made me really excited! It was a lot better than the Disney Channel trailer. I still think its a bit of a wild card in terms of if it will be good or not, but I am very excited now.
Just could pre-order the upcoming Jakks Pacific 12" Dolls of Maleficent.

There will be two different styles.

Normal edition (can only tell the price in Euro) for about 30 Euro (Around $40 USD)

Special Collectors Edition for around 55 Euro (Around $75 USD)

Edit: Had to delete the pictures, because all reseller had become a message today, that promotion and selling is forbidden until April 1st. :-(
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I think I will like her more towards the way The evil queen in Snow White and the huntsman. Who is evil but had sad story ( kind of). I agree Maleficent will not be so great if she is not evil

Thank you for sharing these! They are certainly something to look out for! If I had to choose, I would certainly pick the Dark Beauty Maleficent doll over the Royal Coronation Maleficent doll. The look on the Dark Beauty doll is more iconic and the hair and wings on the Royal Coronation Maleficent doll look much too strange for me (though I know she apparently does look like this in the earlier parts of the film). Both dolls have a somewhat vacant expression, which I am sure OOAK repaint artists will love to take and enhance upon!
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I hope Disney do a version of Jolie as Maleficent in the style of doll they had for the OZ the great and powerful, with a good resemblance to Angelina. The dark beauty doll is very nice though.
Hmm, the Coronation Doll is kinda meh, but the Dark Beauty one is very nice. I may pick her up. Though I am assuming the Disney Store will have dolls of their own that are really high quality like the Oz dolls. The Wicked Witch of the West doll they made was very nice. If Jakks Pacific is already posting pictures up for their Maleficent Dolls, doesn't that mean that we will see the Disney Store's Maleficent merchandise pop up soon too?
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I think I will like her more towards the way The evil queen in Snow White and the huntsman. Who is evil but had sad story ( kind of). I agree Maleficent will not be so great if she is not evil

That is what I am expecting them to do. A sad back story is fine so long as she turns evil and stays evil. As long as she isn't being misunderstood and is technically the "hero" of sorts I will be fine.
After live action Alice and Oz, I'm only cautiously optimistic about this film. The one I'm most optimistic for is actually the live action Cinderella they are making; it's funny how many live action Cinderella films there are in comparison to the other fairy tales though!

I really want Maleficent to be good though. Just worried a little because Disney's track record with turning things live action isn't the best...
can i just say that lana del rey's "once upon a dream" for this movie rocks my mismatched socks? it's so eerie but so awesome.

i don't really like who they cast as aurora.

jolie reminds me of elizabeth banks in "the hunger games", especially when jolie went "well well... c:<"
... vs effie's "welcome welcommeeee c:"

they embody their characters.
i think she will pull off malificent well. she sort of fits what i imagined malificent to be as a real person.

aurora on the other hand... :c

as for the merch, i don't know. i just hope they actually do a decent snow globe this time. tim burton's alice in wonderland globes were so plain. tangled and frozen ones were too. there are a lot of really nice snow globes of maleficent circulating, like the "master of animation sleeping beauty maleficent snow globe". i don't really collect dolls but i hope it's detailed and creepy?
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I absolutely love Lana Del Ray's version of "Once Upon A Dream", and the new trailer that aired during the Grammys made me that much more excited for this film. If nothing else, it seems Angelina Jolie has perfected Maleficent's voice. Ahhh I cannot wait till May!
The more I listen to Lana Del Rey's take on Once Upon a Dream and look up stuff on the film, the more I begin to worry. There is so much talent going on both on and behind the camera that it has the potential to be something amazing, but there is always the chance it could be really bad. I'm just so conflicted. On one hand, I cant wait for May to get here (I might pick up the novelization coming out in April to sooth my nerves), but at the same time im trying not to get too excited for fear that I will be horribly disappointed. I am afraid it will be like Alice in Wonderland or Oz The Great and Powerful, where they are well made films, but they are overall disappointed and have a lot of missed potential. I have seen parts of the leaked script that came out in 2012 or early 2013 and I can honestly say it is a pile of garbage. I was so baffled by how god awful it was and the fact that Disney would ACTUALLY let them get away with a script like that (it was Last Airbender quality...for those of you who have seen that film, yeah, it was THAT bad). But it has apparently had a LOT of work done to it since then, so hopefully it will be a lot better. And the new trailer is certainly making it promising.

i love her cover of the song. it fits. it just fits. i should mention that i am not really a fan of lana del rey, but she has her awesome moments for me.

i heard that the script was fake? o:

until i see the finished version, i don't really like to comment on the "maybes". it's like the bioshock infinite thing. they had so many changes, it was just like "might as well wait until the actual product comes out". that said, i can understand your concerns. :c it's kind of scary when they take a beloved tale and decide to tell it differently. but at least some positives will probably come out of this movie, like new merchandise and cool special effects as seen in the trailer! so even if it sucks, there are redeeming qualities (LOL, i'm so horrible).

i need to watch the last airbender and see why people dislike it so much. i need to open my eyes to the awful. ; u;

i don't know. like i said, not really a fan of aurora (urgh, out of all the possible people to cast) but jolie look like she is going to kick some major... good (cause she is evil, get it? lol ahahahaha... /cries)

i'm biased cause i actually liked alice in wonderland, especially all the characters and the settings. oz was meh but enjoyable. again, i liked the characters and settings.

whenever i am excited for something and hope that it doesn't turn out badly, i usually go "they might make a remake in 40 years, maybe they will get it right then" or i just go into the theater and focus on the parts i liked. like her costume. it's sooooooooo cool. and the little fairies! yaaaaaay.
I don't like Angelina Jolie at all but I am loving the trailer and also did anyone see the free soundtrack download: Link

All disneystore uk have at the moment is this:

Fingers crossed for something good to come along.... Dinseystore.com always gets all the good stuff :cry:
I'm not a fan of Lana Del Ray but her version of "Once upon a dream " is amazing! The new trailer looks very promising, I can't wait for the movie. Even if the movie is awful at least we will get new Merchandise I think it will be good though, and fingers crossed it's excellent! But their will always be people who love the original and no matter what will hate this new film, I love the original but will go in expecting their to be a lot of changes and hopefully I will like it

The cover song and the casting is good though. At first I wasn't keen on the casting choice for Aurora but I have changed my mind. What other actress is blonde, can act and is pretty and also the same age as Aurora? Jolie will be amazing.

I don't understand the hate Alice and Oz get:s they were both very good, I especially liked Oz. I went to see it with all my family who usually don't like Disney films but all loved Oz! So as long as maleficent is as good or better than them I will be happy

Got oat this for Christmas, I love it and is bigger than I expected. I prefer this over the Maleficent designer doll I have.
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